Toyota postpones part of its major V2V initiative yet, reports report


Toyota had planned a V2V communication based on DSRC in its 2021 models of the US market, but this is no longer the case.

Andrew Krok / Roadshow

Reuters reported Friday that Toyota was going to put the key on its plans for to install DSRC dedicated short-range communication technologies in its cars by 2021. This system would have been the basis for a V2V communications network that theoretically reduced the number of accidents.

The reasons why Toyota abandoned its projects are mainly motivated by a lack of security for the US government's dedicated 5.9 GHz dedicated frequency to technology, as well as by the lack of commitment from other manufacturers for the technology.

That's not to say that other manufacturers have not yet studied the DSRC – Cadillac has installed the system on some CTS models since 2017 – but many, like Ford, have opted for a cellular data system that it plans to deploy on its vehicles by 2022.

In 2016, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) had recommended that DSRC be tasked with including it in all new vehicles, but the Trump administration appears to have largely ignored this recommendation.

Toyota did not immediately respond to requests for comments.


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