Transcript: Defensive end on Cameron Jordan conference call


Cameron Jordan, defender of the Saints of New Orleans
Conference Call with New Orleans Media
Friday, September 16th, 2019

After watching the movie yesterday, is there anything left of these three discs? Something you did not do or that they did differently there?
"Yes, three score readers. 75, 75, 26 (yards) is 170 meters in three discs. It's something we have not given the whole game. You look at it and there were a lot of missed tackles there. It's something that's part of the defense. It's something we need to take care of as soon as possible. "

I know there is no definitive project right now with Drew (Brees), but does your group feel like it's a little bit of defense that picks up the team now or n 'Do not you think so?
"Honestly, it's still our mentality that goes into the game. If we can score nine points on the board, we should be able to limit their attack to six and that's how we felt the whole game. Of course, they scored late in the third quarter, then scored two more touchdowns. We always feel that when we go into a game, you have to do your part. We must do everything in our power to put the ball back in the hands of the offensive. I think we did that once this last game. It would have been a touchdown, which would have put us at 10-3. It's a mess at this point. In the future, it's just something we have to do. Create a business figure, create a great game and be able to turn it into a momentum for our team. "

How useful is it to stay in Seattle instead of flying to New Orleans and then back to the west coast? Does it help you a lot to get ready for this week?
"If anything, I guess the climate. Coming from Louisiana, it's 85, 90 degrees a day, then you're going to play Los Angeles. Again, it's 85, 90 degrees a day, and then you come here. We are probably a little higher in the atmosphere where the sea level is below sea level in Louisiana. Whatever coach (Sean) Payton, we are here for a reason. "

Coach (Sean) Payton said you'd find out if you're built to support without Drew (Brees). What is your feeling? Do you feel like you have the ability to support without him?
"Look, we have 53 people on our team. Drew (Brees) is a huge part of that. You can not replace Drew, but at the same time we do not know exactly what Teddy (Bridgewater) brings to the table. It's been over two years since he really had a full Pro Bowl season in Minnesota. With him at the helm, we will have to be able to strengthen our defense and see what we have in attack. At this point, I can not tell you if we can resist without Drew. It's something the New Orleans saints have not had to deal with for nine years, 10, 11, 12 years, regardless of the time frame. There was no picture without Drew, so it's a chance. "

Do not beat a dead horse, but when you watched the play on the film, the recovery of the escaped for a hit, what did you see on the ground in the moment?
"What do you mean, what should I say?" It was a clear fumble, which turned into a fumble recovery, which turned into a defensive touchdown, which was stolen. There is not really any moaning about it – it's what it is. "The referee did what he felt was right at the point. It was a laughable time, but at the end of the day it clearly affected the game, but we have to find ways to overcome it, we played a whole quarter without a fault, and at the end of the third quarter we was 9-6, it's totally accessible for our offense, and at the end of the third quarter we let a touchdown happen and it's something that can not happen. led to another seven points in the table, which did not even measure up, it would have taken three years and finish in defense. There is no excuse for anything, so to go forward, we need to strengthen our defense so we can keep the teams without touchdowns. If we had turned those goals into touchdowns, we would have an entirely different state of mind, an entirely different ball game in the last five minutes of the game. "

Have you made the improvements you were looking for in the racing game or do you still think you can improve there?
"This one is like watching a game of two halves, two different teams. You have a first half as a team that was big in the race, big in the pass. The only passage they had at the beginning of the first quarter time, we only gave three points on it. You talk about what we did defensively in that first half with some sort of suppression of the whole Rams game. And of course, in the second half, it seems to be something that can not happen, that the guys are not on a mission or missing tackles. You talk about the number of missed tackles that led to a huge YAC. This led to huge gains for the Rams offensive, which gave them momentum. And again, it's the defense. "


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