Transgender woman assaulted by "crowd" in Dallas, officials say


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By Tim Stelloh

A transgender in Texas was assaulted on Friday in what authorities have called a "crowd-based act of violence" and a possible hate crime.

The relatives of the victim, whom the authorities did not identify, told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth that she had been kicked and beaten to the point of unconsciousness.

The Dallas Police Department said in a statement that the assault had occurred late Friday night after a slight traffic accident occurred in a complex south of downtown Dallas.

The Royal Crest Apartments on Wilhurt Avenue in Dallas, Texas.Google Maps

"The guy just got out and started trampling on her, kicking her and fighting her," said the woman's grandmother, Debora Booker, at the chain. "I was like," on a car? "

Excerpts from the video published by NBC Dallas-Fort Worth showed a group of people wearing someone.

The victim told police that her attackers, who were not identified, used homophobic insults, the department said.

The ministry was reviewing evidence to determine whether a hate crime had occurred, the statement said.

In a separate statement, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said he had watched the video and that he was "extremely angry about what appears to be violence by the crowd against this wife".

"Those who did that do not represent what Dallasians think of our thriving LGBTQ community," Rawling said. "We will not defend this kind of behavior."

According to a report by the Human Rights Campaign, more than half of the 22 transgender people killed in the United States last year died in the south of the country.

Since 2013, 95% of the 128 transgender homicides in the United States involved women, the group said.

More than 100 of these victims were people of color, according to the report.


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