Trent Williams does not take chances with Redskins minicamp, but Brandon Scherff is


ASHBURN – The Washington Redskins lineup consists of two Pro Bowl-level offensive linemen. Both deal with physical and contractual issues.

One of them, righthanded Brandon Scherff, ran, stretched and usually competed with his teammates for the first two days of the team's mandatory mini-camp.

The other, left tackle Trent Williams, did not do it with challenge.

Circumstances compare at certain levels. How each chose to run his business, far apart one of the other.

Williams, a seven-time Pro Bowl winner in his nine-year career, remains out of the game because of frustration with the team's medical staff, according to a CBS Sports report. Specifically, the treatment of a growth on Williams scalp that was removed surgically earlier in the off season. A source offered an angle similar to NBC Sports Washington. Other outlets then confirmed the report.

This followed Tuesday's report that Williams was mainly away for contractual reasons. He has a base salary of $ 23.5 million plus bonuses on the remaining two years of his five-year, $ 66 million contract, according to the Spotrac pay website. Williams' average annual salary of $ 13.6 million ranks sixth among the NFL's tackles. Only $ 1.9 million of his 2020 salary is guaranteed.

Scherff, who is recovering from a season-ending pectoral operation, is not currently listed in the Redskins payroll for 2020. His $ 21.2-million, four-year, recruiting contract is based on the following: is finished after last season, the sixth selection in the 2015 NFL Draft $ 12.5 million.

The long-held assumption led the Redskins to agree on an extension. This would reduce the impact of the 2019 limit and, more importantly, allow the valuable lineman to stay beyond the current campaign. Maybe there is an agreement between the summer or before the start of the season. For the moment, Scherff is about to play with an expiring contract and show up for off-season work.

"I work with the training staff. Dr. (Robin) West has had my surgery and she's here, "Scherff told NBC Sports Washington on Wednesday. "It's nice to be here to ask what I can improve. She has a plan for me. I work with Chad (Englehart). I've been here almost all the off season. They know my body and that's what's best for me. "

A lot of logic, but it's about rehabilitation from the left shoulder injury of the 9th week. The mini-camp sessions that do not attack do not compare to the actual action, but injuries occur. The Redskins lost linebacker Reuben Foster to a contactless knee during the first OTA session last month.

Scherff, 27, is ready for a lucrative contract one way or another unless he is facing a serious injury. Yet he joined the team for the minicamp and two previous sessions of the OTA.

"I do not want to come to the rusty camp," Scherff told NBC Sports Washington. "I am guaranteed one more year (on my contract). I have to play the best ball possible. I love to play ball.

Williams, who turns 31 next month, is doing the same. Despite the current uncertainty, the scenario will return to Williams, who plays football. It's probably with the Redskins, simply on the basis of the organization with which he signed a contract.

"There will always be different reports. You never know what to believe, "said running back Adrian Peterson, who failed to say whether his former teammate from Oklahoma University had discussed the reasoning behind his absence. "It's a minicamp. I'm sure it's not the first time [Trent has] missed before. Whenever he comes back he will be ready to roll. That's what I know.

We also know the path that Williams chose to manage his business. Not necessarily better or worse than Scherff's approach, but different.

"I have not heard of anything," Scherff told reporters Wednesday after being informed of the latest Williams headlines. "It's up to Trent to decide. It's a business and he has to take care of himself. "



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