Trevor Noah compares hand gestures from Beto O'Rourke to Donald Trump


"There's an old African saying: if you stay silent long enough, you can hear a new Democrat join the presidential race," Trevor Noah joked early. The daily show segment on the latest politician to throw his hat in the ring: Beto O'Rourke.

Calling it "the least surprising thing that has happened since we discovered that Tucker Carlson had said something racist," Noah complains that O 'Rourke was in the air show. Oprah, on the cover of Vanity Fair, and published a documentary about himself. "He was running," he would answer as a shy, southern beauty.

And, of course, the big question for every new candidate for democracy: how is the president going to intimidate them?

Trump revealed his Beto plan almost immediately, mocking O'Rourke's frantic gestures as he spoke, and asking, "Is he crazy or is it just his action?

Noah reluctantly agreed with Trump, saying that Beto looked like one of those things at the carwash that waves his arms in the wind.

That said, Trump is the last person to make fun of someone for abusing his hands, given that, when he speaks at rallies, he looks like "directing" all the orchestras of the world at the same time ".


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