Trevor Noah tears Fox News apart for saying Kamala Harris was not ‘black enough’


With Kamala Harris on stage Wednesday to deliver her Vice Presidential nomination acceptance speech, The daily show‘s Trevor Noah has decided to delve into a big slander she has had to face on Fox News and other conservative pundits since it was announced a week ago: with Indian mother and father Jamaican, she is just not “black enough”.

After playing a montage of commentators like Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and Dinesh D’Souza leveling off this attack on the California senator, Noah said, “You can dissect the legacy of Kamala Harris as much as you want. But to say that she is not black?

“Is she black enough to be kicked out of a restaurant at the time in the Jim Crow South?” He asked. “Would she have been black enough to stand out?” Was she black enough to be kicked out of a white-only school as a little girl? So she’s black!


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