On February 18, Treyarch launched Operation Black Ops 4's Grand Heist in a complete look, offering new game modes, skins, vehicles and the return of a fan favorite.
Black Ops 4 is currently finishing its Operation Absolute Zero by slowly pulling the curtain on its next operation. Players now have a preview of what will happen in the next batch of content.
In a tweet, Treyarch has revealed many offers to his title, such as new modes One in the Chamber and Hot Pursuit, a new place called Blackout Ghost Town and the next episode of Lockout and Casino multiplayer.
Treyarch unveiled the complete roadmap of upcoming events in the next operation and more.
The Black Ops Pass will bring two new cards to create chaos. Two teams will be drawn by Casino in a high roller club, while Lockout will offer gunfire exchanges at a busy Los Angeles police station.
A member of the House finally makes his debut in Black Ops 4, as well as League Play, which should appear in the week following the release of Operation Grand Heist.
The Royal Battle is going to have a new mode in Hot Persuit, which seems to be the main calling card of the Grand Heist label.
Blackout receives new vehicles, such as a patrol boat, an SUV and a muscle car. Players will be able to fight in a place to the west called Ghost Town.
The guerrilla fighter Cosmic Silverback will be added to the array of Blackout characters for Black Ops Pass holders.
While a comprehensive look at the upcoming Zombie Experience will be held around March, players will be able to familiarize themselves with the Five Death-con Five Gauntlet on the occasion of the Grand Operation's launch week. Heist.
New weapons and signature weapons should also be released for the next operation.
Treyarch is still considering introducing the long-awaited features of Zombies mode, such as service breaks, host migration and flat panel screen break.
Treyarch was not joking when they teased the next operation as their "biggest operation to date". Operation Grand Heist will begin Feb. 19 on the PlayStation 4, which is expected to appear on Xbox One and PC shortly thereafter.
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