Trump & # 39; Collusion Delusion & # 39; merch steals shelves


Nancy Pelosi will not stock this loot.

President Trump's victory round after the Mueller report includes new merchandise such as $ 30 "Collusion Delusion" t-shirts and "Witch Hunt!" Mugs.

Buyers are also seizing white t-shirts that reproduce Trump's images on March 24 at 1:42 pm. Following the announcement by Attorney General William Barr of his summary of Mueller's findings:

"Complete and total EXONERATION". The slogans "Hunting witches!" And "No collusion" are also available in decals ($ 9) and coolers ($ 8). is licensed by Trump For President Inc. and the National Republican Committee.

Sales surged on April 18, the day Mueller reported, said campaign officials.

"Our Mueller-related products are doing exceptionally well. Our supporters are even more energetic, "said Lara Trump, first daughter-in-law.

Campaign spokesperson Erin Perrine said, "President Trump is a master of branding and all the best ideas come from his messages and tweets."

The store's bestseller remains, by far, the $ 25 "Make America Great Again", which is approaching their millionth sale.


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