Trump accuses Dems of having "invented a cover-up"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpGroups asks the judge to suspend the construction of a border wall. Trump criticizes Barbara Bush: "Look what I did to her son" A man accused of throwing water balloons at Trump's crowd: "I did this that I had to do " has targeted the Democrats seeking the release of Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on RussiaThe full report on his longstanding investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia on Friday accused him of having invented a blanket.

Citing an editorial published Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal, Trump insinuated that Democrats now tend to focus on evidence that the Attorney General William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrGroups asks the judge to stop the construction of a border wall Note to the Mueller team: If you do not charge, you can not incite the defense at night: the House vote to end US support for war in Yemen | Vote should force Trump's second veto to the presidency | More Russian troops could visit Venezuela | The first Space Force hearing is scheduled for next week MORE concealed the results of Mueller's investigation after having "lost" on the issue of collusion.

"Trolling the Mueller Report. Democrats lost in collusion. Now they are inventing a cover, "he writes, identifying the Associate Editor of the Journal's opinion page and Fox Business's host, Lou Dobbs, in the tweet.

The Trump-referenced editorial was published Wednesday in the newspaper and accuses Democratic lawmakers of wanting to accuse the Attorney General of hiding while "shaking" the effects of Trump's political victory over the end of the investigation. in the Mueller case without any charges being laid. .


"Democrats are still shocked by the conclusion of the special Robert Mueller Council that the Trump campaign was not conducted with the Russians in 2016. But they have now adopted a political return strategy: blaming the Attorney General William Barr of hiding, "wrote the editors of the newspaper.

The newspaper went on to say that the accusations of the Democrats were "encouraged by a press corps" spreading misinformation.

Republicans have hammered Democrats and the media for months of speculation around the Mueller inquiry, which ended last month when the Mueller team did not recommend any other impeachment and that Barr issued a summary of the report stating that Mueller had found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign. and Russia in 2016.

Democrats called for the release of the full report following reports that Mueller's team members were frustrated by the summary presented by Barr.


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