Trump accuses FDA, Democrats of withholding Covid vaccine until after election


Mr Trump took to Twitter to attack his opponents and accuse them of manipulating the virus response to hurt his chances of re-election.

On Monday, drugmaker Pfizer announced that early data from its coronavirus vaccine trial shows it is over 90% effective.

The news came just days after Mr. Trump was beaten at the polls by President-elect Joe Biden.

“The @US_FDA and the Democrats didn’t want me to get a WIN vaccine, before the election, so it came out five days later – like I’ve always said!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter.

The company says it will have enough doses of the vaccine to be given to between 15 and 20 million people by the end of the year.

Mr. Trump had said on several occasions during the election campaign that a vaccine would be ready on election day.

“This is a historic moment,” said Kathrin Jansen, senior vice president and head of vaccine research and development at Pfizer.

“It was a devastating situation, a pandemic, and we set out on a path and a goal that no one has ever achieved – to offer a vaccine in one year.”

Pfizer has denied any claims that politics played a role in the timing of their announcement.

More than 74 million Americans voted for President-elect Joe Biden, while more than 70 million voted for Mr. Trump, with 65% of eligible voters taking part in the election.

Mr. Biden’s victory was achieved by rebuilding the “blue wall” of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, while overthrowing the battlefield states of Arizona and Georgia.

His victory in Georgia is narrow enough to require a recount.


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