Trump accuses newspapers of downplaying the impeachment of the ex-Obama council


President TrumpDonald John TrumpJuliƔn Castro: Presidential Candidates Should Be Required to Disclose Their Tax Returns Hillary Clinton said that Assange had to "answer for what he had done" after his arrest, Herman Cain should withdraw from the Fed's review: NEXT report On Friday, leading newspapers accused of downplaying former US White House lawyer Gregory Craig in a case related to the ongoing investigation into Russia.

"It's a very big story, but the New York Times Fake News did not even put it on the front page, but rather on page 16. @washingtonpost is not much better, 'tiny'. Corrupt news! Trump tweeted, adding that Craig was "charged yesterday on very serious charges. "

Craig was accused of lying to federal investigators who were trying to find out he should have been registered as a foreign agent for the legal work he had done for a pro political party. -Russian in Ukraine. He performed the job in 2012 after leaving the White House for a private practice.

Paul ManafortPaul John Manafort, Ex-Obama's lawyer, charged with making false statements, concealing the work of UkraineFormer Trump campaign chairman charged Craig with doing the job when he was a lobbyist before joining the 2016 campaign. Manafort pleaded guilty to charges related to his lobbying in Ukraine and was convicted of others financial crimes.

Trump seeks to blur the trail around a special board Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation on RussiaThe investigation before the publication of its comprehensive report on Russia's efforts on electoral interference in 2016.

Attorney General William BarrWilliam Pelham BarrRosenstein: "Bizarre" to say that Barr misled the public about the Mueller Hillicon Valley report: Assange faces US charges after arrest | Trump says that Wikileaks is not my thing | Uber officially wants to make public | Bezos defies its competitors on wages | The Kremlin is tightening its control over the Internet Dems says the Attorney General has undermined the credibility of Trump's speech MORE published a four-page letter stating that Mueller had concluded that the Trump campaign was not coordinating illegally with Moscow. Barr's summary also indicates that Mueller did not determine whether Trump was obstructing justice.

Trump has made a winning round by extolling these conclusions, but some people close to the president fear that Mueller's full report may contain damaging information about him and his behavior.

"I do not need to know more. We finished, absolutely finished, he (Mueller) tried the case. There is no collision, "commented Sen, tweeted earlier Friday. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamChuck Todd Tears Barr on Spying Remarks: "The Attorney General Enlightens the Country", Republicans Criticizing the EDS Candidate, Barr Says That "Spying" Occurred During the Trump PLUS campaign (R-S.C.) Produced on Fox News. "No matter what we do or give to the radical left, it will never be enough!"


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