Trump addresses supporters at DC rally ahead of vote certification


President Trump addressed a crowd of supporters at a rally in Washington, DC on Wednesday as Congress prepared to certify the election victory of rival President-elect Joe Biden.

Claiming that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against him, he vowed not to give in even though the inauguration day was only two weeks away.

“We will never concede,” Trump told the enthusiastic crowd. “You don’t concede in the event of theft.

“This year, they rigged an election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before, ”Trump continued, referring to what he calls“ fake news media ”and social media companies.

“And by the way, last night they didn’t do a bad job,” he added, referring to the second round of elections in Georgia deciding the fate of Senate control.

One Democratic candidate, Reverend Raphael Warnock, has already been declared the winner of his race, and the other, Jon Ossoff, leads the polls by a tight margin.

Trump speaks from a stage framed in “March to Save America” ​​signs, on a podium flanked by American flags fluttering in a cold DC breeze.

As with his iconic “Make America Great Again” rallies, which have become the hallmark of two presidential campaigns, Trump is greeted by a sea of ​​supporters clad in red baseball caps and star-studded shirts.

His remarks were preceded by a pre-recorded trailer of campaigns and speeches through the years, and a classic rock-rich playlist, including Phil Collins’ sinister “In the Air Tonight” juxtaposed with “Don’t Stop Believin ”from Journey.

Trump’s rally came as Congress was set to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election, which the president said is marred by organized and widespread fraud without providing any evidence.

Speakers who addressed the crowd before the president included his son Donald Trump Jr., North Carolina freshman Madison Cawthorn and personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

Prior to his diagnosis with the coronavirus, Giuliani was the architect of numerous lawsuits in the campaign to overturn Biden’s victory, most of which did not hold up in court.

Wednesday’s certification vote served as a wedge among Republican lawmakers, with Trump loyalists as the senses.Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, of Texas and Missouri, respectively, vowing to challenge the results, with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton among those who stepped forward to recognize Biden’s victory as legitimate.

Thousands of supporters traveled from across the country for the event, with local law enforcement and congressional security bracing for possible unrest.

A judge earlier this week banned Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the leader of the far-right group Proud Boys, in the nation’s capital, citing accusations against him of vandalizing a Black Lives Matter banner at a historic church and been discontinued packing high-capacity gun magazines.


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