"Trump and all Americans should watch" – Deadline


Senator Kamala Harris, a Democratic presidential candidate, is gaining popularity and has seen a significant increase in support in the three polls released this week, as she has taken the leadership of former Vice President Joe Biden since entering the polls. race.
Reports filed by the Federal Election Commission in the first quarter show that until March 31, Harris was leading all competitors with respect to the contributions of major players in the Hollywood industry. And she's obviously aware of the power of the media, as she wrote an editorial for NBC News last month calling on President Donald "Trump and all Americans to watch Ava DuVernay's recent Netflix miniseries, When they see us. "

Harris' comment reacted to a statement from Trump that he would not apologize to the five men incarcerated for their alleged role in a series of assaults and rape in Central Park. Trump said they had "acknowledged their guilt," even though the charges had been overturned after another man had acknowledged the rape.

In his editorial, former Attorney Harris stated that "the new version of the case by DuVernay is a masterpiece," and said the miniseries highlighted "the weaknesses of A system supposed to root in justice and justice ". "Racism" and "sensationalist media coverage," including a one-page advertisement of Trump in 1989, as causes that made "almost impossible the fair treatment of the accused". And the trial also revealed the dehumanization of black children and the very serious consequences for life – things that still happen today. "

Harris cited studies showing that the brains of young people were not fully developed before the age of 25 as an argument that the whole weight of the justice system should not be used against "children" in difficulty .

"We need to change our approach by condemning young people more leniently, ending the automatic transfer of children to adult prisons and eliminating the isolation of young people. We must treat children like children, "Harris said.

Harris said that if she were elected president, she would seek to include in the federal law a 2010 Supreme Court ruling prohibiting life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for offenses other than the federal court. murder, so word.

"The criminal justice system has failed Korey, Raymond, Antron, Kevin and Yusef," she said, naming the so-called Central Park Five of the miniseries. "We owe it to us and all our children to fundamentally change the way we treat our most vulnerable."


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