Trump and DeSantis lead CPAC straw poll


Former President TrumpThe Donald TrumpCalifornia event center abandons its plan to host Gaetz, Greene Murkowski’s “America First” tour: Trump “threatened to do a lot” for those who stand up to him. Alaska GOP endorses Murkowski’s main challenger MORE and the Governor of Florida. Ron DeSantisRon DeSantisThe Hill’s Morning Report: Afghanistan’s future now depends on Afghans, says Biden, a Virginia school calling for the reinstatement of a teacher suspended over gender pronoun policy Rubio, Demings earns money as Florida Senate race heats up MORE (R) led the pack in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll for the 2024 GOP presidential candidate.

Trump held a dominant lead, with 70% of those responding to the poll saying they would vote for him in the Republican primary if it took place today. DeSantis came in second with 21%.

But in the 2024 Republican primary poll without Trump, DeSantis led the pack with 68% of the vote.

His. Rand PaulRandal (Rand) Howard PaulRand Paul promises to introduce repeal of mandate for public transport masks Democrat Charles Booker issues Senate challenge against Rand Paul The Hill’s Morning Report – Bidens will visit Surfside, Fla., The site of the collapse MORE (R-Ky.), Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki haleyNikki HaleyHaley to oppose Youngkin in Virginia The Hill’s Morning Report – 2024 GOPers Target: Go Cautiously, Don’t Disturb Trump GOP 2024 Hopes Face a Challenge: Do Not Disturb Trump MORE, sen. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz The memo: Biden struggles to impose his will as problems mount The Hill’s Morning Report: Afghanistan’s future now depends on Afghans, Biden tells Haley to give in to Youngkin in Virginia MORE (R-Texas), host of Fox News Tucker carlsonTucker CarlsonThe Memo: Biden, Democrats Face Dilemma Over Vaccination Mandates Tucker Carlson Says He Was Continuing Putin Interview During Time Of Spying Allegations Tucker Carlson Claims NSA Leaked Private Emails to journalists, Government of South Dakota. Kristi noemKristi Lynn NoemOvernight Energy: Newsom Calls on Californians to Reduce Personal Water Use to Combat Drought | John Kerry to Visit Moscow Officials to Discuss ‘Global Climate Ambition’ | EPA bans sale of South Dakota Governor Trump-authorized COVID-19 disinfectant sending more troops to US-Mexico border The Hill 12:30 p.m. report: Surfside search continues as Tropical Storm Elsa continues hit MORE (R) and former Secretary of State Mike PompeoMike PompeoSunday shows preview: Biden defends troop withdrawal from Afghanistan; COVID-19 Impacts Unvaccinated Pockets Watchdog: Pompeo Spent $ 1,000 on Taxpayer-Funded ‘Madison Dinners’ Biden Cannot Counter China With Team Lacking Expertise MORE (R) all received 1% in the poll that included Trump.

In the survey that left Trump, Pompeo came in second with 5%, and Donald Trump Jr., the son of the former president, came in third with 4%.

Former vice-president Mike penceMichael (Mike) Richard PenceTrump denies fighting with Pence for hiring Lewandowski professors of questionable expertise: Capitol violation and “1619 ″ Biden cannot counter China with a team that lacks expertise MORE clocked at zero percent.

The results of the CPAC regional convention come after DeSantis narrowly edged out former President Trump in a 2024 poll of potential candidates conducted last month at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

That survey found that 74.12% of those polled said they would approve of DeSantis as president in three years, compared to 71.43% who said the same of Trump.

The governor of Florida won 275 votes, while the former president received 265.

An annual CPAC straw poll in February showed that Trump with 55% of the vote, followed by DeSantis at 21% and Noem at 4%. Without Trump in the mix, DeSantis received 43% of the vote.

Trump earlier this month told Fox News host Sean hannitySean Patrick HannityHannity tells fans to ‘get back to their sport’ by singing the national anthem Stephen Miller argues no president has had a better hand than Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden renews calls as vax rate of COVID-19 in US slows MORE that he has decided whether he will run for president again in 2024, but has yet to make that decision public.

“You’re not going to answer, but I have to ask you, where are you in the process? Hannity asked Trump, referring to his decision to mount another White House offer.

“Let me ask you this, without giving an answer, what’s the answer, have you made up your mind?” Hannity asked.

“Yes,” Trump replied.

In May, Trump said he would “definitely” consider DeSantis his running mate if he throws his hat in the ring again in 2024.


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