Trump Appoints Mark Morgan, Former Head of Border Patrol, Head of ICE


WASHINGTON – On Sunday, President Trump named Mark Morgan, former head of the Obama administration who aligned himself with some of Trump's radical positions on border security, heading the country's leadership. Immigration and Customs Control.

Mr. Morgan served as chief of the border police at the end of the Obama administration. Previously, he was also a member of the FBI. agent. He will head the agency that stops, detains and deports people who are illegally in the United States, after Mr. Trump withdrew his previous candidate, Ronald D. Vitiello, stating that he wanted that the agency go further.

"I am pleased to inform all those who believe in a strong, fair and solid immigration policy that Mark Morgan will join the Trump administration at the helm of our ICE workers," said Mr. Trump in a tweet. "Mark is a true American believer and patriot. He will do a great job! "

The movement continues to rotate the Department of Homeland Security within the Department of Homeland Security while Trump seeks to reorganize the department. In recent weeks, the president has ousted many senior officials, including former secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

A spokeswoman for ICE sent a request for comment to the White House. The White House did not respond immediately.


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