Trump asks Florida judge to force Twitter to restore account


  • Former President Donald Trump has asked a Florida judge to force Twitter to give him access to his account.
  • Trump’s lawyers said the suspension was unfair to Trump, who was banned for risk of inciting violence.
  • In contrast, lawyers say Twitter allowed the Taliban to post freely on the platform.

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are urging a Florida federal judge to force Twitter to reinstate his account.

In a preliminary injunction against Twitter filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on Friday, its attorneys argued in part that the social media platform was arbitrarily suspending accounts.

The Taliban, for example, may “regularly tweet about their military conquests and victories across Afghanistan” since early August, its lawyers wrote.

Twitter “wields a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable, historically unprecedented and deeply dangerous for opening up democratic debate,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

Twitter, when asked about the latest court case, declined to comment.

Trump was banned from Twitter for months because of his potential to incite violence after the deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol in January, the platform said.

In the latest court file, lawyers for Trump said Twitter made the claim “wrongly.”

The decision to ban him from the platform infuriated the former president. A senior administration official told Politico that Trump had gone “ballistic.” Shortly after Twitter deleted his @realDonaldTrump account, the President tweeted from the official @POTUS and @TeamTrump handles. But Twitter also immediately deleted those messages.

One of his now-deleted tweets said the president had started “negotiating with various other sites” and hinted at a big announcement. Trump also said his team “will look into the possibilities of creating our own platform in the near future.”

Immediately after his permanent suspension from Twitter, top curators began sharing their Talk accounts on the platform, encouraging their followers to gravitate to it.


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