Trump attacks Michelle Obama for speech at Democratic convention


President TrumpDonald John Trump The Memo – Michelle Obama Shines, Burning Trump Trump Goes Against Cuomo After His Democratic Convention Speech Biden Seeks To Convince Progressives And Republicans On The Night Of MORE early Tuesday criticized Michelle obamaMichelle LeVaughn Robinson Obama The Memo – Michelle Obama shines, burning Trump Michelle Obama takes the ax from Trump’s record, character in convention speech Read: Michelle Obama speech at Democratic National Convention MORE after the former first lady issued a scathing criticism of the outgoing president during her remarks at the Democratic virtual convention.

“Someone, please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump wouldn’t be here in the beautiful White House without the work your husband has done, Barack obamaBarack Hussein ObamaObama Reveals His Summer 2020 Playlist: ‘Hope You Enjoy’ Biden Acceptance Speech: Watch Four Things Budowsky: A Democratic Convention To Change The World MORETrump tweeted early Tuesday morning.

Trump, who did not directly criticize Michelle Obama, then called out the alleged Democratic presidential candidate Joe bidenJoe Biden The Memo – Michelle Obama shines, scorching Trump Trump takes on Cuomo after his speech at Democratic convention Biden seeks to win over progressives and Republicans on the night of MORE “After the fact” and accused former President Barack Obama of offering “very late and half-hearted approval” to his former vice president. Barack Obama endorsed Biden, who served as his vice president for eight years, after it was clear Biden was the Democratic Party’s presumptive candidate.

“My administration and I built the biggest economy in history, of any country, shut it down, saved millions of lives, and now I’m building an even bigger economy than it was before. Jobs are sinking, NASDAQ is already at an all time high, more to follow, ”Trump continued, defending his administration’s response to the novel coronavirus, which has now killed more than 170,000 Americans and devastated the US economy.

“Sit down and watch!” he added.

The President went on to say that the Obama administration’s response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was viewed as “weak and pathetic.” He also claimed that the previous administration was “the most corrupt in history”, again dismissing the baseless accusation that Barack Obama and Biden committed “betrayal” by “spying on” his 2016 campaign during of the investigation into Russia.

“Thank you for your very kind words Michelle!” Trump added mockingly.

In a pre-recorded speech aired at the virtual convention Monday night, Michelle Obama issued a direct rebuke of Trump’s character and track record by urging voters to vote for Biden in the upcoming November election. She described Trump as the “bad president” for the United States and warned of tougher times if he is re-elected.

“Let me be as honest and clear as possible. Donald Trump is not the right president for our country. He’s had more than enough time to prove he can do the job, but he’s clearly over his head. He cannot meet this moment. He just can’t be the one we need for us. It is what it is, ”said the former first lady.

“If you take one thing from my words tonight, it’s this: If you think things can’t get worse, trust me, they can; and they will if we don’t change this election. If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we must vote for Joe Biden as our lives depend on it, ”she continued.

Michelle Obama’s remarks capped the first night of virtual convention events, which also included speeches from the New York government. Andrew CuomoAndrew Cuomo The Memo – Michelle Obama shines, burning Trump Trump lashes out at Cuomo after his Democratic convention speech Trump launches effort to counter Democratic convention MORE (D), former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie sandersBernie Sanders The Memo – Michelle Obama shines, burning Trump Biden looks to win over progressives and Republicans on the night Michelle Obama takes the ax of Trump’s record, character in the convention speech MORE (I-Vt.) And former Ohio Governor John Kasich, who ran unsuccessfully against Trump for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

Trump also lambasted Kasich ahead of his remarks, calling him a “big loser” in his remarks to reporters as he returned to Washington, DC, from a trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin.

–This report was updated at 8:03 am


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