Trump brags about 30,000 Dow at surprise press conference, leaves after one minute


President Donald Trump briefly appeared on Tuesday to praise the Dow Jones Industrial Average breaking 30,000 for the first time, then disappeared after a minute without answering questions.

The president’s mini appearance, perhaps his shortest remarks from the desk in the White House briefing room, came less than a day after his administration took a major step toward transitioning to Joe’s presidency. Biden.

General Service Administration Chief Emily Murphy told Biden in a letter on Monday that the Trump administration was making federal resources available for her transition to office. She had refused to make the decision for weeks, prompting sharp criticism from Biden supporters.

But Trump, three weeks after polling day, still hasn’t conceded the race to Biden. He made no mention of his continued struggle to overturn the election results during his speech on Tuesday afternoon, which lasted around 62 seconds in total.

On the contrary, Trump bragged about the latest major stock market milestone, which came as the U.S. economy continues to recover from the devastating impact of the coronavirus pandemic earlier in the year.

U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the press in the James Brady press conference room at the White House November 24, 2020 in Washington, DC.

Chip Somodevilla | Getty Images

Trump has repeatedly claimed that if Biden wins the election, the stock market and the economy will “collapse.” But the record-breaking Dow rally came weeks after the media called Biden the race, and days after the president-elect began revealing the top officials who would occupy his cabinet.

“I just want to congratulate everyone. The stock market, Dow Jones Industrial Average, just hit 30,000, which is the highest in history,” Trump said in the briefing room.

“We never broke 30,000, and that’s what happened with the pandemic despite everything.”

“The stock market just broke 30,000 – never been broken, that number. It’s a hell of a number, 30,000, and no one thought they would ever see it,” Trump said.

“I just want to congratulate all the administration members who have worked so hard, and most of all I want to congratulate the people of our country, because there are no people like you. Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you. . “

With that, the President turned and left the briefing room, followed closely by Vice President Mike Pence. Neither Trump nor any other official responded to the flood of questions posed by the White House press.

“Mr. President, will you concede?” were among questions asked by reporters as Trump walked away. “Sir, why not concede for the good of the country, sir?”

Trump has only made a few in-person appearances since polling day, and during those, he hasn’t answered any questions from reporters. He was due to appear again later Tuesday afternoon in the Rose Garden, where he and First Lady Melania Trump are expected to present the National Thanksgiving Turkey, a White House tradition.

Trump falsely claimed he won re-election, and on Monday night he tweeted that he “will never concede.” He also repeated several conspiracy theories his legal team cited as claiming, without proof, that he was the victim of widespread voter fraud.

But the prosecution of the Trump campaign in major swing states has not focused on fraud. On the contrary, these lawsuits have sought to prevent states from certifying the results of their elections by arguing, among other things, that sections of ballots should be excluded from the final count of the votes.

None of these cases filed by the Trump campaign or its allies succeeded in invalidating the ballots. And four battlefield states – Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania – have certified their election results in recent days, all of which were Biden victories.


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