Trump calls for boycott of MLB for moving All-Star Game


Former President TrumpDonald Trump The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden might find no GOP support for job plan Republicans don’t think Biden really wants to work with them Biggest campaign problem of 2022? AFTER called for a boycott of Major League Baseball after deciding to move its All-Star Game out of Georgia to protest the new signed state bill that tightens voting restrictions.

“Baseball is already losing huge numbers of fans, and now they’re leaving Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they’re afraid of the radical left-wing Democrats who don’t want the desperately needed voter ID to be passed. anything to do with our elections. Trump said in a statement released by Save America PAC.

“Boycott baseball and all the awakened businesses that interfere with free and fair elections. Do you listen to Coca-Cola, Delta and all the rest! He added, referring to other companies that have criticized the new law.

The reprimand is the latest from a Republican over the MLB’s decision to move its July 13 game out of Atlanta.

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement the decision was “the best way to demonstrate our values ​​as a sport” in the government’s light. Brian kempBrian Kemp The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden might find no GOP support for his employment plan Backlash grows against Georgia’s voting rights law American Airlines berates Texas voting restrictions READ MORE‘s (R) signing of the law.

“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions at the ballot box,” Manfred said in a statement announcing the MLB decision.

The new restrictions include limitations on the number of ballot boxes, shortenings on the length of time a Georgia resident can apply for a ballot by mail, and new photo ID requirements for ballots. vote by mail.

Democrats, including President BidenJoe Biden The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden could find no GOP support for the job plan Republicans don’t think Biden really wants to work with them Lack of cyber funds in Biden’s infrastructure plan raises eyebrows MORE, criticized the law, saying it amounts to voter suppression and targets voters of color.

Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey also called the restrictions “unacceptable” and “a step backwards,” and Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said the law “includes provisions that will make more difficult for many under-represented voters, especially black voters. their constitutional right to elect their representatives.

Kemp berated MLB for the announcement, calling it a “culture of cancellation,” adding that the league had bowed to Democratic pressure.

“Georgians – and all Americans – should fully understand what MLB’s impulsive decision means: to cancel culture and wake up political activists are coming for all aspects of your life, including sport. If the left is not disagree with you, the facts and the truth don’t matter, ”Kemp said in a statement.

representative Jeff DuncanJeffrey (Jeff) Darren DuncanREAD: Republicans Who Voted To Challenge Election Results Here Are Republicans Planning To Challenge Electoral College Results Top GOP Lawmakers Call For Swalwell To Be Removed From Intelligence Committee READ MORE (RS.C.) said he was asking his staff to concoct legislation that would strip MLB of its federal exception to antitrust laws.

Republicans defended the law, saying it was necessary to ensure election security. There was no substantial evidence to suggest that widespread voter fraud occurred in Georgia or other swing states during the 2020 election amid the pandemic.

Trump in particular has repeatedly claimed that Georgia suffered widespread electoral fraud after Biden won the state by just over 11,000 votes. His loss there marked the first time since 1992 that a Republican presidential candidate has lost Georgia.


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