Trump calls out Cuomo on delay in vaccine distribution during Rose Garden speech


In a speech at the Rose Garden on Friday, President Trump announced that a coronavirus vaccine would be readily available to the public as early as April, but then attacked Democratic Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, after condemning the plan the Trump administration’s vaccine withdrawal as “ flawed. And suggested he would try to stop her earlier this week.

“We can’t let this vaccination plan go forward the way the Trump administration sees it because Biden can’t reverse it two months later, we’ll be in the middle of it,” he said. Cuomo told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview with “Good Morning America” ​​on Monday.

“And I’m going – I’ve told the governors across the country about it; how do we shape the Trump administration’s vaccination plan to fix it, or stop it before it causes any damage. “


Cuomo’s remarks clearly resonated with Trump who accused Cuomo of delaying the distribution of the vaccine in his state for “political reasons.”

“Starting in April, the vaccine will be available to the general population, except places like New York state,” Trump said Friday afternoon. “Where for political reasons the governor decided to say… he wants to take his time with the vaccine. He doesn’t trust where the vaccine came from.

Trump went on to say that the vaccine is being developed by some of the best “labs in the world, but he doesn’t trust that it’s this White House, this administration.”

“Gov. Cuomo will have to let us know when he’s ready for it or else we can’t hand him over to a state that won’t give him to his people immediately, ”he added.

Cuomo took himself to Twitter to say he would appear on MSNBC and CNN minutes after Trump’s comments.

“What the president is saying is just plain wrong,” Cuomo told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer immediately after the president’s press conference.

“We trust Pfizer, what Americans don’t trust is Trump,” Cuomo said.

The governor of New York said a recent study showed that more than half of all Americans do not trust a vaccine right now because they fear it will become a political tool.

Cuomo told Blitzer that after being able to get the vaccine reviewed by a second committee, he would feel confident telling people to get the vaccine.

“There will be no delay,” Cuomo told Blitzer after being asked how long the committee’s review would take, as people are eager to get their shots. “Our review will be simultaneous with their delivery.”

Cuomo said his state was not alone in taking this position on vaccine distribution and that the only potential delay he could foresee would be if another state’s panel found a problem with the vaccination.


The governor’s office also released a statement following President Rose Garden’s comments.

“This is nothing more than vindictive behavior on the part of a lame president trying to get revenge on those who oppose his policies,” Cuomo said in a press release following the president’s comments. “Once there is a fully developed COVID-19 vaccine, we are confident that a Biden-Harris administration will provide New York City with the appropriate number of doses so that residents of our state can achieve immunity.”

“If the vaccine release comes in the twilight of a Trump administration and the president wants to play games with people’s lives, we are going to continue and we will win.”


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