Trump campaign calls first night of Democratic convention a ‘Hollywood infomercial’


The Trump campaign called the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention a “Hollywood-produced infomercial,” while warning that “Joe Biden’s radical socialist takeover is complete.”

“Maybe it was just an oversight, but the first night of the Democratic convention left out the fact that Joe Biden would raise taxes on more than 80% of Americans by at least $ 4 trillion,” said Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Hogan Gidley. Monday night statement.


“Its policy of opening the borders, with amnesty and work permits for 11 million illegal aliens, was also lacking. There was no mention of Joe Biden’s desire to cut police funding, kill ten million energy jobs with a new green deal, or give free health care to illegal aliens, but in all fairness, it was only the first night, ”Gidley said.

Gidley added: “Democrats may try to cover up the dangerous truth with a Hollywood-produced infomercial, but they can’t hide the fact that Joe Biden’s radical socialist left takeover is complete.”

Meanwhile, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has also accused convention speakers of failing to highlight Biden’s policies.

“During this disappointing DNC there has been a lot of chanting but ZERO of how Joe is going to create jobs, end riots, stop innocent lives being lost on our streets,” McEnany tweeted. “Joe is going to DESTROY our economy, PAY OFF our police, GIVE our communities back to the anarchists!”

Monday’s event included brief remarks from lawmakers like Rep. Jim Clyburn, DS.C., and governors like New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo – those speeches, however, were woven between pre-recorded musical performances by artists. such as Leon Bridges and Maggie. Rogers and a video featuring “The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen.

Trump campaign strategist Brad Parscale tweeted during the show: “Is this the Democratic National Convention or an awards show in Hollywood?”

Meanwhile, when the events ended Monday night, the Trump campaign hosted its first night of “The Real Joe Biden,” an overnight recap of the Democrats’ nightly events at the convention, as part of their early response efforts. and their counter-programming.

The rebuttal was hosted on Monday evening by senior Trump campaign adviser Mercedes Schlapp and 2020 strategic adviser Boris Epshteyn and will include guests including GOP national spokesperson Liz Harrington and Citizens United President David Bossie. .

Members of Monday night’s Trump team pointed out that the majority of Monday night’s events were not focused on Biden and his potential presidency, but on criticism of the Trump administration – an effort the senior adviser of the Trump campaign, Steve Cortes, called it an “indictment” of the United States.

“They only have a hate agenda against Donald Trump,” Bossie said during the campaign wrap-up program. “The American people are smarter than that.”


He added, “They are going to see that this is an election about big issues and where America is going to be for their children. This is the most important election of our life – this one is consequential. “

Watching the second night of the Democratic Convention, Bossie predicted “no more Trump inconvenience syndrome.”

“They don’t have an agenda. That’s all they have, ”he says.

Schlapp weighed in, saying that “the Democrats’ agenda is to transform America as we know it.”

The Trump team’s comments come after the night of one of the 2020 Democratic conventions, which included lawmakers, governors and even former First Lady Michelle Obama criticizing President Trump and his administration, and pleading in favor of ‘a Joe Biden presidency.

Monday’s event was hosted by actress Eva Longoria and included brief remarks from lawmakers like Rep. Jim Clyburn, DS.C., Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., And Senator Bernie Sanders, I- Vt.; New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer; and a headlining speech by former First Lady Michelle Obama, who warned Trump was “the wrong president for our country.”

“He’s had more than enough time… He’s clearly over his head,” Obama said. “He can’t meet this moment. He just can’t be the one we need for us.

She added: “It is what it is.”

Obama added: “If you think things can’t get worse, trust me they can, and they will if we don’t make a change in this election.”

“If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we must vote for Joe Biden as our lives depend on it,” she said. “I know Joe. He is a deeply decent man guided by faith.


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