Trump campaign election fraud hotline inundated with calls


A hotline set up by the Trump campaign to gather information about suspected elections or electoral fraud has reportedly been inundated with prank calls from supporters of the president-elect. Joe bidenJoe Biden Mary Trump Celebrates Biden-Harris Victory: “ In America. Thank you, Biden, guys, yells at black Americans in his victory speech, ‘You still have my back, and I’ll have Biden’s vows to heal a divided nation MORE, according to ABC News.

ABC News reported that the hotline, which directs callers to voicemail, was inundated with messages mocking the campaign over Biden’s presidential victory. The Associated Press and broadcast networks announced on Saturday that Biden had won the race.

Eric trumpEric Frederick Trump Unmarked texts linked to GOP company urged vote protests in Pennsylvania: report Trump did not prepare concession speech: report Senate Republicans sit quietly as Trump disputes vote counts MORE, one of the president’s sons, responded to calls on Twitter, accusing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of pranksters.

“@DNC is spamming our electoral fraud hotline to bog down the thousands of complaints we get! I wonder what they have to hide,” he wrote.

“The hotline is proving to be very effective as there are thousands of Americans who have had very concerning experiences voting. We are gathering information as we prepare to move forward,” a spokesperson added. word of the Trump campaign in an emailed statement to The Hill.

The president and his allies have baselessly alleged for months that the 2020 elections will be subject to massive fraud and corruption due to efforts by officials across the country to expand postal voting systems in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. There is no evidence that widespread electoral fraud with postal ballots.

A White House commission tasked with investigating allegations of Trump’s election fraud without evidence was disbanded in early 2018 without taking any major action after saying many states refused to release election data.


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