Trump claims Biden had ‘record low’ Thanksgiving address viewing figures


President Donald Trump quoted conservative media outlet One America News Network (OANN) as saying President-elect Joe Biden had low viewership during his Thanksgiving speech.

In a tweet on Friday, Trump mocked Biden’s online opinions for his speech on Wednesday and compared the alleged figure to the historically high votes he received for election day.

“Biden’s Thanksgiving Address gets just 1,000 views online, a record high. Observers say a candidate with” 80,000,000 “votes would get many more viewers online. The numbers don’t lie, or do not add up! ” Trump tweeted.

With his tweet, the president tagged pro-Trump media outlet OANN, which appears to be his source for the issue.

President-elect Joe Biden
President-elect Joe Biden delivers a Thanksgiving speech at the Queen Theater in Wilmington, Delaware. President Donald Trump accused him of having a small audience for the speech. Mark Makela / Getty Images

A clip shared on social media shows an OANN anchor describing Biden’s live streaming address as having “only a thousand views online” in what was “another baseless attempt to pass himself off as the winner of the recent elections “.

However, Biden’s speech was broadcast live on all major networks and streamed live on dozens of sites. Major news outlets such as ABC News, CBS News and USA Today had versions of Biden’s speech on YouTube, each having tens of thousands of views on Friday.

CNN Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter tweeted his disdain for the numbers Trump quoted, saying, “There was no ‘report’ as OANN said. The feeds don’t match. to votes etc. etc. Hardly anyone notices or denounces these lies. “In another tweet, Stelter said,” The source? Some random guy’s tweet. ” Newsweek has contacted the White House and OANN for comment.

In his speech, Biden took a conciliatory tone and called for an end to the “dark season of division” before a long winter in which the country will face the coronavirus.

He said COVID-19 had “brought us pain, loss and frustration” and “made us angry, pitted us against each other. I know the country has grown weary of fight, but we have to remember that we are at war with the virus, not with each other. “

Meanwhile, Trump has been mocked on social media for the size of the office he gave a press conference on during the holidays. The hashtag #DiaperDon tended to be used by social media users to refer to the small office from which he repeated allegations of electoral fraud and attacked a journalist.

During the press conference, Trump was asked if he would concede the election to Biden if the Electoral College confirms his electoral victory. “It’s going to be a very difficult thing to concede, because we know there has been massive fraud,” he said, before calling a reporter who interjected a “lightweight” and adding : “don’t talk to me that way.”


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