Trump claims he won the election; Twitter marks the tweet


President Trump categorically asserted in an all-caps tweet Sunday night that he won the election. The tweet was quickly reported by Twitter, which said: “Official sources called this election differently.”

The tweet culminated in a day Mr. Trump worked to resume an apparent recognition that Joe Biden had earned the White House.

Mr. Trump’s previous comments had given some critics and supporters hope the White House was ready to start working on a transition with Mr. Biden’s team. Not so quickly, Mr. Trump would make it clear soon.

Mr Trump, without using Mr Biden’s name but referring to him, said “He won” in a tweet that made baseless statements about a “rigged” election. But as the president saw that his comments were interpreted as his first public acknowledgment of a Biden victory, Mr. Trump quickly turned the corner.

“He only won in the eyes of FAKE NEWS MEDIA,” Mr. Trump then tweeted. “I won’t concede ANYTHING! We have a long way to go. It was a GREAT ELECTION!”

There was no widespread fraud in the 2020 elections. In fact, election officials from both political parties have publicly stated that the election went well and international observers have confirmed that there is no had no serious irregularities. Mr. Trump’s campaign has attempted to mount legal challenges across the country, but many lawsuits have been dismissed and none have included evidence the outcome could be reversed.

Mr. Biden defeated Mr. Trump by reclaiming a trio of battlefield states: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and crossed the threshold of 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. Mr Biden has 78.8 million votes so far, the highest number ever for a winning candidate, compared to Mr Trump’s 73.1 million, according to an Associated Press tally.

“If the president is ready to start acknowledging this reality, that’s a positive,” Mr. Biden’s new chief of staff Ron Klain told NBC News’s “Meet the Press”. Still, Klain said, “Donald Trump’s Twitter thread doesn’t make Joe Biden president or not president. The American people did that.”

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas said “it was actually good” to see Mr Trump’s tweet that Mr Biden won. “I think that’s the start of recognition.… We want to make sure there’s a smooth transition,” Hutchinson said on NBC.

Almost two weeks after polling day, Mr. Trump has neither called Mr. Biden nor made any formal concessions, and White House officials have insisted they are preparing for a second term for Trump. .

Former President Obama, in an interview broadcast on Sunday on “60 Minutes”, said he would remind Mr Trump that as president he is a public servant and a temporary occupant of the office.

“And when your time is up, it’s your job to put the country first and think beyond your own ego, your own interests and your own disappointments,” Mr. Obama said. “My advice to President Trump is that if you want someone at this late point in the game to remember who put the country first, it’s time for you to do the same.”

Mr. Obama also criticized Republicans who rallied to Mr. Trump’s false claims of widespread electoral fraud.

“I’m more troubled that other Republican officials, who clearly know better, are accepting it, are pleasing him in this way. It’s one more step in delegitimizing not just Mr. Biden’s new administration. , but of democracy in general. And it is a dangerous path, “he declared.

In recent days, Mr. Trump seemed to move closer to acknowledging the reality of his loss. In comments in the rose garden on Friday about a coronavirus vaccine, Mr Trump said his administration “would not go to a lockdown” to slow the spread of COVID-19, and added that “whatever ‘it happens in the future, who knows what administration it will be? I guess time will tell. “

Mr Trump on Sunday renewed his baseless attacks on electoral technology company, Dominion Voting Systems, without proof of serious irregularities. Dominion said it “denies the allegations of any voting changes or any suspected software issues with our voting systems.”

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, a federal agency that oversees US electoral security, said in a statement last week that “the November 3 election was the safest in American history.” The agency said: “There is no evidence that a voting system suppressed or lost votes, altered votes, or was compromised in any way.”

John Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser, said it was important for Republican Party leaders to explain to voters that Mr. Trump lost and that his allegations of voter fraud are baseless. Bolton left the administration last year. He says he resigned; Mr Trump says he fired Bolton.

“I think as each day goes by it is more and more clear that there is no proof. But if Republican voters are only hearing the false statements of Donald Trump, there is no It’s no surprise that they believe it, “Bolton told ABC News” This week. “” It is essential for other Republican leaders to stand up and explain what really happened. Donald Trump has lost which, according to all the evidence we have so far, was a free and fair election. “

Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, who is helping lead Mr. Trump’s national legal challenge to the election, had none of these. In a TV appearance Mr. Trump watched on Twitter after his morning tweets, Giuliani denied that Mr. Trump was not conceding, saying, “No, no, no, far from it.”

“I guess,” Giuliani told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures”, “you would call that sarcastic.”


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