Trump congratulates Bill Barr after GI report scolds Comey


Donald Trump

President Donald Trump. | Puce Somodevilla / Getty Images

White House

But the president says that the former director of the FBI "was lucky!" to avoid prosecution.


President Donald Trump has said that the Justice Department's decision not to prosecute former FBI director James Comey had thought well of Attorney General Bill Barr, while saying that Comey "was lucky!"

"The fact that James Comey has not been sued for his absolutely horrendous acts shows how fair and reasonable the Attorney General Bill Barr is," Trump said on Twitter. "So many people and experts I watched and read would have followed a totally different path. Comey was lucky! "

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The Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Justice said in a report released Thursday that the department had decided not to prosecute Comey for keeping memos regarding interactions with the Trump White House. and for disclosing one of these notes to the media.

But he also delivered a scathing reprimand from Comey. The report severely criticized him for violating the policies of the FBI and the DOJ on the handling of information relating to the confidential investigations of the forces of the order. However, it allowed Comey to clarify the allegations that he disclosed classified information.

Trump has long protested against Comey, accusing him of being a leak and a weak FBI leader. Trump's dismissal of Comey – caused by confused reasoning on the part of the president and the White House – led to the appointment of special advocate Robert Mueller and cast a cloud over Trump's presidency for months .

Earlier Friday, Trump expressed his frustration at the problems he associates with Comey.

"The disastrous GI report on James Comey makes it very clear how much I and tens of millions of exceptional people who support me have been treated unfairly. Our rights and freedoms have been illegally stripped by this dishonest fool. We should recover our stolen time? "Wrote Trump.

Comey vigorously defended herself on Twitter a few moments after the publication of the report on Thursday. He pointed out that the report had laundered allegations of illegal disclosure of classified information.

"I do not need public apologies from those who have defamed me, but a quick message with a" sorry, we lied about you "would be fine," he wrote, adding, "And to all who have spent two years talking about me" going to jail "or being a" liar and a leaker "- ask yourself why you are doing always trust those who have given you bad information for so long, including the president. "


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