Trump counter-program Dem debate with his biggest hits


Donald Trump

President Donald Trump. | Alex Wong / Getty Images

White House

At a retreat of the House GOP, the president introduced Republicans to the experience of a campaign rally including numerous shots on plastic straws, light bulbs, cows and bullets. wind mill.



BALTIMORE – President Donald Trump tore up his 2020 Democrat rivals, media and even plastic straws when he addressed Thursday House Republicans at their annual retreat, offering counter-programming animated at a Democratic debate across the country centered on candidates slamming the president.

"They should follow the debate, but they are probably watching us," Trump told the House of Republicans.

History continues below

The president has embarked on a three – day retreat at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, where Republicans plan to return to the majority and hope to be bright after a recent wave of government retirements.

And the president has not disappointed. Trump has replayed some of his greatest hits through 68 minutes of varied remarks alternating between his prepared teleprompter lines and his own stream of jabs. He criticized "sleepy" Joe Biden and "crazy" Bernie Sanders, sneered at the Green New Deal, tore up "false information" and lamented the fact that low-energy bulbs make him "orange".

Trump also complained of "hitting Pocahontas too soon", referring to Elizabeth Warren's recent rise in polls. "I thought she was gone. She came out of her ashes and she could beat Sleepy Joe! Said Trump.

Trump was to speak an hour earlier than him, a delay that allowed him to start just as the Democratic presidential candidates were speaking in Houston.

Trump ticked off a list of GOP achievements, ranging from tax cuts to conservative judges, and hailed two special election victories in North Carolina. He promised to disclose next year a reduction in the average income tax, despite no real chance of adopting it by a Democrat-controlled House. The president also promised to adopt his own health care bill if the GOP were to win back the House, which he had not done in his first year in power under the Republican control of the House.

"The best is coming," said Trump.

Although Trump made no mention of what he was planning to do regarding gun control after a bloody summer of shooting, he reiterated his support for the right to wear arms.

"Democrats want to confiscate the weapons of law-abiding citizens," said Trump to a standing ovation. "Republicans will always defend the fundamental right to keep and bear arms."

Trump also warned that "House Democrats were pursuing the most radical far-left agenda ever put forward in this historic forum" and stressed that Republicans must unite to reconquer the House.

Earlier in the day, the House Judiciary Committee approved guidelines for its impeachment investigation against Trump – an important but technical step for the Democratic caucus.

"They're going to destroy a lot of what we've done," Trump said. "I had the habit of talking about 2016 as being a very important election …. That is of equal importance."

The Republican rallying effort comes after a deadly mid-term election that swept the Republicans out of power. When Trump entered the ballroom, he was greeted with an ovation and "four more years" songs.

Trump also made jokes – jokingly that he likes the idea of ​​cowboy hats because he would not have to worry about his "hair in the wind" – and repeatedly called people among the crowd. The sneakiest line of the night, however, came after he said the Green New Deal would result in "more cows, more airplanes".

"I suppose there are more planes, right? Because Kevin is like a cow, he's just smaller, "he said, referring to the minority leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). "I had to pick someone for that one, Kevin and I just looked at your beautiful face."

Sometimes it was like a campaign rally, Trump even ending his speech with his iconic campaign song, "You can not always get what you want".

"He brought the diesel tonight. He was very cheerful when he spoke to the members of the Republican Conference, "said Mark Meadows (CR), one of Trump's key allies on Capitol Hill. "But more importantly, he explained why the 2020 elections are so important."

Trump's visit to Baltimore – his first since his election as president – comes weeks after he calls the "largest city in Maryland" a "disorderly infestation of rats and rodents" where "no human being would not want to live. " He also tore apart the representative Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Who represents the city of Baltimore and chairs the House's oversight committee – one of six Trump investigation groups.

While he was heading to the city, however, Trump had just two words to say, "Hello Baltimore!" he tweeted, next to a photo of the streets.

Trump's summer attacks on Twitter against Charm City took place long after congressional Republicans chose the site for their annual retreat. But more than six weeks later, the rhetoric that divides hope was still causing headaches for GOP leaders, forced to defend the president's remarks just hours before Trump's speech on Thursday.

"I think the president coming here symbolizes the fact that, yes, he cares about Baltimore, he cares about the people who live in Baltimore and that he does not agree that you stay in poverty" McCarthy told reporters at a news conference.

Trump's Motorcade was greeted by hundreds of protesters, as well as a 14 foot inflatable rat with a Trump-like head and a cell phone on the paws bearing the inscription "Fight Fascism, Stop Trump" ". Hundreds of onlookers, mostly photographers, also lined the streets, though one stuck his middle finger when the procession passed. Closer to the hotel, protesters were heard booing and holding signs saying "Dump Trump Ditch Mitch" and "Impeach Trump".

Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are scheduled to speak at the Republican Conference on Friday.

The annual retreat – the first of the GOP since its relegation to the minority – comes from a decisive victory in a special election in North Carolina. Trump and the GOP had given everything for Republican Dan Bishop, who had defeated Democrat Dan McCready in a 12-point riding by the president.

The narrow victory in a GOP stronghold, however, represents a disturbing trend for Republicans in the House as they prepare to fight for control of the House next year. Yet here in Baltimore, the Republicans were eager to take stock of their problems, welcoming Bishop's victory and praising Trump for his victory. GOP party leaders even invited Bishop to attend his weekly press conference, even before he was officially sworn in as a member.

"Winning is a good thing, is not it?" Said Trump.


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