Trump destroys ‘real drug’ John Bolton for pushing election loss, calls him ‘one of the dumbest people’


President Trump blasted to John Bolton on Sunday, calling him “real dope” and “one of the dumbest people in government” after former national security adviser urged GOP party leaders to accept 2020 election results and encourage their supporters to recognize their defeat.

“John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government I have had the ‘pleasure’ of working with,” Trump tweeted. “A brooding, dull, calm guy, he added nothing to national security except, ‘Damn, let’s go to war. “In addition, a lot of classified information was illegally disseminated. A real dope!

Trump was responding to Bolton’s appearance on ABC this week with George Stephanopoulos earlier Sunday, in which he dismissed Trump’s “baseless” allegations of electoral fraud, and urged Republican leaders to explain to supporters that “Trump lost the election “.


“I think it’s very important that the leadership of the Republican Party explain to our constituents, who are not as stupid as Democrats think, that in fact Trump lost the election and that his allegations of voter fraud are groundless, ”Bolton told me. “The point is, we’ve seen litigation in all the major battlefield states, and it has consistently failed. Right now, the Trump campaign is doing the legal equivalent of pinching money.

He reiterated: “It is essential for other Republican leaders to stand up and explain what really happened: Donald Trump has lost what, from all the evidence we have so far, was a free and fair election. “

Trump has a long history of attacks on Twitter against Bolton, who stepped down from his White House post in September 2019 and has since become an open critic of the president and his administration.

The latest public row came just hours after Trump first reported that Joe Biden “won” the 2020 election he believed was “rigged” against him, but maintained he hadn’t. no intention of conceding the race.


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