Trump drags several Democratic candidates by notable margins in a new poll


The new ABC News / Washington Post poll examined Trump's performance against five potential candidates in the general election if the elections were held today.

Above Trump, registered voters preferred former Vice President Joe Biden (55% to 40%), Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (52% to 43%), Senator Elizabeth, Massachusetts Warren (51% to 44%) and California Senator Kamala. Harris (50% to 43%). Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, is also ahead of the president, but the gap remains in the error margin of the survey (47% out of 43%).

CNN poll: 6 out of 10 say Trump does not deserve a second term
Although the general elections are still in over a year, a Quinnipiac University poll released in late August yielded similar results, indicating that Trump's campaign could be a difficult battle, with no outgoing president having never asked any questions to his potential opponents the campaign. The ABC News / Washington Post poll was released one day before a Democratic primary debate in which 10 of the 20 candidates – including those who defeated Trump in the new poll – will re-state their arguments in favor of why they voted. are better prepared to go ahead. a general election.
A recent CNN poll conducted by SSRS found that six out of 10 Americans say Trump does not deserve to be re-elected, which reflects the 63% who expressed this view in November 2017.

The ABC / Post survey was conducted by telephone from September 2 to 5 in a random national sample of 1,003 adults. The results have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 points.


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