Trump encourages potential audit of Texas election


Former President Donald Trump applauds suggestions that Republicans in Texas could open Arizona forensic audit of 2020 election results.

Trump, who has frequently touted theories of widespread electoral fraud without providing evidence, urged Texas officials to verify his election results, “even though I won Texas by a large margin.”

“I said, ‘You should do it because you’ll find out what’s going on in this country.’ It’s crazy, “he said on Saturday night applauding the” courageous and unyielding conservative warriors of the Arizona State Senate “who” created a movement across the country. “


On July 12, Texas State House lawmakers filed Document HB 241, known as the “Texas Voter Confidence Act,” which would open a forensic audit of the 2020 election results.

“We need a forensic audit to uncover all electoral fraud,” State Representative Steve Toth, who introduced the law, said on Monday. “Prior to the special session, I met with voters in District 15 of South Montgomery County. The Texas Voter Confidence Act is a product of those meetings and a direct request from the voters who sent me to Austin. Texans want it. know more about the allegations of electoral fraud and deserve to have confidence in their elections.

Toth said the attorney general’s office has prosecuted more than 500 electoral fraud cases and is investigating 400 others, saying “voters want to know their legal vote counts and counts.”

In the months since the GOP-led Arizona Senate opened a forensic audit of the 2020 election results in Maricopa County, Republicans in several other swing states have followed suit. The former president praised the election inquiries in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, both of which were narrowly conducted by President Joe Biden last November.

“I hear now that Wisconsin is looking very, very seriously [into the allegations of voter fraud], and I respect Wisconsin so much. It is a great state. They are looking very seriously. Pennsylvania is really starting to take this very seriously, ”he said on June 26, thanking lawmakers in both states for their efforts.

Elected officials from several right-wing states, including Georgia, which Biden won in 2020, visited the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, where private company Cyber ​​Ninjas is leading Arizona’s audit. Trump said visits by officials prompted some of the more recent audits.

“If you look at what’s going on everywhere [the country], they have come from so many different states to review your audit procedures. They come in and I call them. I’ll say, “How did you like it? What did you think? ‘ They said, “We don’t believe it,” and then they start their own audits now, ”Trump said on Saturday.“ That’s what’s happening. They come and seek. “

The Trump campaign has filed several lawsuits alleging widespread voter fraud in the aftermath of the 2020 election, the majority of which were dismissed in federal courts.


Biden won Arizona by more than 10,000 votes out of more than 3.3 million votes cast statewide. His lead of around 2 percentage points was due in part to his advantage in Maricopa County, where the Democrat won nearly 45,000 more votes than former President Donald Trump.

The results of the Maricopa County audit are expected to be released in a full report later this summer.

Washington Examiner Videos

Keywords: News, Donald Trump, Arizona, Campaigns, Texas, Elections 2020, Election fraud, Election prosecutions

Original author: Carly Romain

Original location: Trump encourages potential audit of Texas election


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