Trump encourages ‘savage’ protests in Washington on date of electoral college vote count


President Donald Trump is calling for “savage” protests in the nation’s capital on Jan.6, the final date on which he and his toughest Republican allies desperately hope to reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Trump, who has twice campaigned to be the law and order candidate, hopes to create chaos in Washington two weeks before opening day. While he continues to claim without merit that it is “statistically impossible” that he lost, Trump on Saturday urged his supporters to end what is typically a harmless joint session of Congress on January 6 in which they will count Biden’s 306-232 victories among state electoral votes. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urged Republicans not to oppose election results, but some GOP lawmakers and far-right conspiracy theorists say they plan to disrupt final hurdle procedural before Biden took office.

“Peter Navarro publishes 36-page report alleging electoral fraud” more than enough “to pass victory to Trump,” the president tweeted on Saturday. “An excellent report from Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 election. Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, it will be wild!”

Twitter called Trump’s claim “contested,” as has often been the case lately.

Legal experts say the January 6 meeting of House and Senate lawmakers, chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, is traditionally just a formality in which Congress receives and approves state election votes decided long ago. But several staunchly pro-Trump Republicans – Alabama’s Mo Brooks and Georgia Representative and House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, as well as Alabama-elect Tommy Tuberville – say they plan to disrupt the rudimentary process. next month.

“We’re going to fix everything,” said Tuberville, who beat former Trump attorney general Jeff Sessions in the Alabama Senate race, said of Biden’s victory. “Don’t give up. It’s impossible. What happened is impossible.”

But many Republicans and Washington law experts say Trump has no chance of blocking the results and that his call for “savage” protests on January 6 is just a desperate final blow. Trevor Potter, former Republican chairman of the Federal Election Commission, wrote a Washington post essay warning American voters, “January 6 is not another election day. Don’t let President Trump convince you that it is.”

It comes as McConnell on Tuesday warned Republican senators in a private appeal not to oppose the January 6 vote, Politico reported.

Trump has also garnered support from far-right conspiracy theorists and others who are calling for an all-out civil war in America. Alex Jones told a crowd of Trump supporters in Washington that Biden “will somehow be kicked out” of the White House. Jones, members of the “Proud Boys” and other fanatic Trump supporters have repeatedly told the president that they will not allow him to be removed from office.

This potentially violent and chaotic sentiment appears to be fully supported by the President himself.

“He didn’t win the election. He lost the 6 Swing States, by many. They then dropped hundreds of thousands of votes in each one and got caught. Now Republican politicians have to fight so that their great victory is not stolen.. Don’t be weak fools! “Trump tweeted on Saturday.

Newsweek contacted the White House as well as the Tuberville and Brooks offices for further remarks on Saturday morning.

Trump supporter Washington revolt results
President Donald Trump on Saturday encouraged “savage” protests in Washington DC on January 6, the date of the Electoral College vote. Here, a Trump supporter charges against protesters outside the Georgia State Capitol on November 14.
ELIJAH NEWS / Stringer / Getty Images


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