Trump has 62 percent disapproval rating in new AP poll


The majority of Americans in a new poll disapproves of President TrumpDonald John Trump Former US ambassador: 'Denmark is not a big fan of Donald Trump and his politics' Senate Democrats push for arms control in defense policy bill Detroit county sheriff endorses Booker for president MORE'S overall performance, despite greater support for the president's handling of the economy than other issues in the survey.

Sixty-two percent of Americans said they are going out of business Trump is doing, while just 36 percent approved, according to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Thursday.

President Obama, Trump's approval is relatively consistent with the polling results. Trump's approval rating has remained between 32 and 42 percent throughout its time in office, the AP noted.

Amid fears of a recession, which Trump and administration officials dismissed, 46 percent of Americans now approve of Trump's handling of the economy, based on the poll.

Approval for Trump's handling of the economy is strongest among Republicans, at 84 percent, but even 16 percent of Democrats support its economic policy. By contrast, just 5 percent of Democrats support the president's overall performance.

Trump's approval in other policy-specific areas is much lower, pollsters found. Thirty-six percent of Americans approve of a policy of 38 percent approved of his policy.

The poll surveyed 1,058 adults from Aug. 15 to 19. There is a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.


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