Trump hits back at Michelle Obama after hearing DNC speech, says he ‘wouldn’t be here’ without her husband


President Trump hit back Tuesday against former first lady Michelle Obama, saying he would not have been elected “if it had not been for the job done” by her husband, former President Barack Obama.

Trump’s tweets come after the former first lady criticized the president and his administration on the first night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, claiming his White House was operating in “chaos” and without “empathy,” all by urging voters to vote for Joe Biden as their lives depend on it.


“Someone, please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump wouldn’t be here in the beautiful White House without the work done by your husband, Barack Obama,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.

He added: “Biden was just an afterthought, good reason for the very late and half-hearted approval.”

The President went on to praise his administration for building “the greatest economy in history, of any country, shutting it down, saving millions of lives and now I’m building an even bigger economy than before.”

“Jobs are fluid, NASDAQ is already at an all time high, more to follow,” he said. “Sit down and watch!”

The president, defending his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, then criticized the Obama-Biden administration for its “response” to the H1N1 swine flu, which he said was viewed as “weak and pathetic.”

“Look at the poll, it’s really bad,” he tweeted. “The big difference is that they got a free pass from the Corrupt Fake News Media!”

Trump then moved on to investigate Russia, accusing the former Obama administration of “spying on” his campaign.

“The Obama Biden administration was the most corrupt in history, including getting caught in SPY MY CAMPAIGN, the biggest political scandal in our country’s history,” Trump said. “It’s called Betrayal, and more.”

He added: “Thank you for your very kind words Michelle!”

The president’s Twitter side came after the former first lady slammed the president in pre-recorded remarks, where she highlighted the “impressive power of the presidency,” while saying the job “requires clear judgment, mastery complex and competing questions, a moral compass and an ability to listen.

“Whenever we look to this White House for leadership, consultation or the semblance of stability, what we get instead is chaos, division and a complete and utter lack of empathy,” he said. she declared Monday.

Obama, in an impassioned speech, concluded that Trump was “the wrong president for our country.”

“He’s had more than enough time… He’s clearly over his head,” she said. “He can’t meet this moment. He just can’t be the one we need for us.

She added: “It is what it is.”

Obama added: “If you think things can’t get worse, trust me they can, and they will if we don’t make a change in this election.”


“If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we must vote for Joe Biden as our lives depend on it,” she said. “I know Joe. He is a deeply decent man guided by faith.

Obama said “empathy” was something she “has given a lot of thought to lately.”

“The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. The recognition that someone else’s experience also has values, ”she said. “Most of us practice this without hesitation.”

She added that kids in the United States “see what happens when we stop demanding empathy from one another.”

“They are looking around wondering if we’ve been lying to them all this time,” she said. “They see people screaming in grocery stores who refuse to wear a mask to protect us all; they see people calling the police on people going about their business just because of the color of their skin … They see our leaders branding their fellow citizens enemies of the state, while encouraging white supremacists carrying the torch.

Obama went on to refer to his slogan “they go low, we go high” explaining that “going high is the only thing that works” but doesn’t always mean being nice.

“When we come down low, degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the other noise that chokes out everything else,” she says. “Let’s be clear: Going high doesn’t mean smiling and saying nice things in the face of wickedness and cruelty.”

She added: “To go high means to go to the highest path – to scratch and claw the top of this mountain.”

The speech was widely hailed by Democrats as a powerful indictment of the administration.

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Meanwhile, last week, U.S. Attorney John Durham, appointed last spring to investigate the origins of the investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign were in collusion with the Russians to influence the 2016 election, announced his first charges against former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith. Clinesmith has been charged with making false statements.

It is not known if and when further charges could be laid, but Attorney General Bill Barr said earlier this summer he did not expect the Durham findings to lead to a “criminal investigation” into former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joe Biden – while noting that their fear of “potential criminality” in the conduct of this investigation is “other-centered”.


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