Trump impeachment backed by only 8% of Republicans: poll


A new national poll shows that only 8% of Republican voters support President Trump’s impeachment and impeachment.

This contrasts sharply with the 89% of Democrats and 45% of Independents polled in an NBC News poll released on Thursday who support the president’s impeachment and ousting for encouraging Trump supporters to storm the Capitol last week. and far-right extremists protesting. certification by Congress of President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral college victory over the president.


The poll was conducted Jan. 10-13, mostly before and shortly after Wednesday’s 232-197 vote by the House of Representatives to impeach Trump for “incitement to insurgency.” Ten Republicans voted to impeach the president – joining the 222 Democrats – with 197 House Republicans voting against impeachment and four GOP lawmakers not voting.

The Senate, which is controlled by the GOP until early next week, will not begin an impeachment trial until the day Biden is inaugurated as president, meaning the trial will likely end for only a few weeks. after Trump left the White House. .

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally Wednesday, January 6, 2021 in Washington.  (AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin)

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally Wednesday, January 6, 2021 in Washington. (AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin)

The 8% of Republicans who support Trump’s impeachment and removal from office are identical to the 8% of Republicans who said the same about the previous impeachment of the president by House Democrats over the controversy over Ukraine in a December 2019 NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

About seven in 10 Americans polled in a new ABC News / Washington Post poll say Trump bears at least some responsibility for the assault on Capitol Hill, and 56% support the efforts of Democrats and a handful of GOP lawmakers in Congress to prevent Trump from getting elected again.


But only 42% of Republicans believe Trump bears at least part of the blame for the attack, which left five people dead, including a Capitol Hill police officer, and the building vandalized. And only 12% of Republicans polled in the poll said Congress should remove Trump from office and disqualify him from running for president again.

On Wednesday, Jan.6, 2021, a file photo of violent protesters storming the Capitol in Washington, DC, federal prosecutors say a retired Air Force officer who was part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol was arrested Sunday, Jan.10, 2021, in Texas.  (AP Photo / John Minchillo, file)

In this Wednesday, Jan.6, 2021, file photo, violent protesters storm the Capitol in Washington, DC, federal prosecutors say a retired Air Force officer who was part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol was arrested Sunday, Jan.10, 2021, in Texas. (AP Photo / John Minchillo, file)

The president’s approval rating in the ABC News / Washington Post poll – which was released Friday and conducted Jan. 10-13 – has fallen to 38%. But among Republicans, it remained robust at 79%, down from 88% in October, the last time ABC News and the Washington Post asked the question.

And six in ten Republicans say they want the GOP to follow Trump. That’s down from 83% two years ago – when the question was last asked – but it’s still a strong majority of Republican voters.


A Quinnipiac University poll conducted in the three days immediately following the Capitol uprising and released earlier this week showed the president’s approval among voters nationwide had fallen to 33%, down from 11 points compared to last month. But it stands at 71% approval among Republicans. That’s down from 89% in last month’s Quinnipiac poll, but still healthy.

The survey also showed that six in 10 voters across the country said Trump was undermining democracy. But nearly three-quarters of Republicans polled in the poll said the president protects democracy.

Trump refused to give in to Biden and has repeatedly and falsely claimed that there was “massive electoral fraud” in what he calls a “rigged” presidential election.

While 93% of Democrats and six in 10 independent voters said they did not believe there was widespread voter fraud in the November election, nearly three-quarters of Republicans believe there was voter fraud generalized.


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