Trump incited riot on Capitol Hill after start, impeachment trial to demand


Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) arrives to meet with other House impeachment officials before walking through the U.S. Capitol Rotunda to the Senate Chamber on Monday February 8, 2021 in Washington, DC.

Sarah Silbiger | Getty Images

Prosecutors in former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial to present new evidence and show he spent weeks laying the groundwork for the Jan.6 Capitol riot and also “instigated it further “Once the violence begins, senior officials said Tuesday.

“The evidence of Trump’s guilt in this matter is overwhelming,” assistants to House impeachment officials told reporters hours before the Senate impeachment trial began.

Aides said it is possible that after hearing what they called a devastating case, “Republican senators will decide to vote to condemn Trump and ban him again from serving as president.

“Once they see that this president has in fact instigated a violent insurgency in order to retain power, I think it may very well be that reluctant senators will change their mind and vote to condemn,” aids.

But these assistants would not give any details about this new evidence against Trump.

“Stay tuned,” they said.

For Trump to be convicted, at least 17 Republican senators will need to join the 48 Senate Democrats and two independents in convicting Trump.

It seems unlikely, at least for now, as 45 Republicans had previously voted in favor of the argument that an impeachment trial against a former president such as Trump is prohibited by law.

Some of those senators had said that did not necessarily mean they would vote to acquit Trump at trial.

The assistants to those responsible for the indictment said they were convinced of the solidity of the case.

“The House will establish at trial that President Trump deserves to be convicted and disqualified for exercising and exercising a function of honor, trust or profit in the United States,” the aides said.

They also said that the House prosecutors’ presentation would resemble a “violent crimes prosecution” because

Trump is accused of helping spark the violent invasion of the halls of Congress shortly after a rally where he spoke near the White House, where he urged his supporters to help him in the “struggle” to block confirmation of Joe Biden’s victory as President.

Thousands of Trump supporters revolted around and in the Capitol complex in the wake of the rally, which interrupted a joint session of Congress that officially signed Biden’s victory.

Five people have died in connection with the chaos, including a Capitol Hill police officer and a Trump supporter who was shot dead by a police officer as she tried to climb through a window near the House bedroom.

The riot prompted senators and members of the House of Representatives to flee for their safety and hide for hours in safe places.

Assistants who spoke to reporters on Tuesday morning said “it is personal” for House members of the impeachment team, as they were among those targeted by the riot.

“They don’t take this lightly,” the collaborators said.


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