Trump is already planning a race in 2024, including an event at Biden’s inauguration


In the twilight of his presidency, Donald Trump discusses different ways to disrupt the impending era of Joe Biden, the main one of them by announcing another race against him.

According to three people familiar with the conversations, the president, who refuses to admit he lost the 2020 election which he clearly did, has not only spoken to advisers and confidants close to a potential race. in 2024 to recover the White House, but the specifics of a campaign launch. The conversations explored, among other things, how Trump could best time his announcement in order to keep the Republican Party behind him for the next four years. Two of those knowledgeable sources said that the president had even, in the past two weeks, pitched the idea of ​​hosting an event related to 2024 during Biden’s inauguration week, possibly on the day of the event. inauguration, if his legal effort to steal the 2020 election ultimately fails.

The president and some of his closest associates have already started to survey prominent donors to see who would be with him, or perhaps against him, if he chooses to run in the 2024 election. Some of Trump’s key allies have told the Daily Beast they were doing what they could to stay in the good graces of the president, calculating that this will help secure a seat at the table and a future in the party – in case he does run again.

Trump’s intrigues regarding a future White House race are both an implicit recognition that he views his own current legal efforts as shots from a distance and a reflection of his inherent desire to maintain political power and the public attention.


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