Trump jabs Fauci and Birx as U.S. vaccinations continue to rise


  • Trump attacked Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Deborah Birx after their talks with CNN.
  • Fauci is now working under Biden and has played a key role in current progress to help fight the virus.
  • The United States has vaccinated more than 95 million Americans so far and cases have declined.
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Former President Donald Trump took hits against Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Deborah Birx, two members of his COVID-19 task force, after speaking candidly about his administration’s response to the pandemic on a TV special. CNN Sunday.

“Based on their interviews, I felt it was time to talk about Dr Fauci and Dr Birx, two self-promoters trying to reinvent the story to cover up their bad instincts and flawed recommendations, which I have fortunately almost always overturned, “Trump said in a declaration Monday. “They made bad political decisions that would have left our country open to China and others, closed to our economy reopening and years of an approved vaccine – putting millions of lives at risk.”

Trump’s statement comes as Fauci remains a key part of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 response team and more than 95 million Americans have already received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. More than 52.6 million have been fully immunized.

Cases, deaths and hospitalizations have also been down since January, but Fauci has repeatedly warned that they are leveling off at a relatively high number and that precautions such as masks and social distancing should still be maintained.

Fauci, the nation’s foremost infectious disease expert, has spoken more candidly about his time working with the Trump administration since Biden took office.

In January, Fauci described working for Biden as “a somewhat liberating feeling.”

During Sunday’s interview, Fauci said he was shocked when Trump called on states to reopen in mid-April last year when violent protesters stormed the capitol buildings of the State and claimed the masks were a violation of their rights.

“What hit me like a punch in the chest was all of a sudden he stood up and said ‘Free Virginia, Free Michigan,'” Fauci said of the former president. “And I was like, ‘Oh my God. What’s going on here?'”

Trump called Fauci the “king of”

flip flops
“,” Because of the changing guidelines he issued during the pandemic, as experts learned more about the virus and how it is spread.

In his statement, Trump called Birx a “proven liar with very little credibility” and said Fauci would talk badly about her.

In the interview with CNN, Fauci praised Birx for the attention to the data at the start of the pandemic and said the two, alongside other doctors on the task force, had their own small group.

“States that followed his lead, like California, had worse results on Covid and ruined the lives of countless children because they couldn’t go to school, ruined many businesses and many countless Americans who have been killed by the lockdowns themselves. “Trump added.” Dr. Birx was a terrible medical advisor, which is why I rarely took his advice.

Birx told CNN that the deaths of thousands of Americans who died from COVID-19 were preventable.

“I see it this way: the first time we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original wave,” Birx said. “All the others, in my opinion, could have been mitigated or significantly reduced.”

On Trump’s last full day in office, the United States passed 400,000 deaths from COVID-19.

So far, the country has recorded more than 30 million cases of COVID-19 with more than 549,000 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

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