Trump Jr. says "not at all" worried about perjury charges despite Democrats' suspicions


Donald Trump Jr. said Wednesday that he was "not at all" worried about charges of perjury that he suspected of being lied to by the Democratic Party in Congress after a second in camera interview of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which he said was consistent with his remarks. firstly because there was "nothing to change" in his testimony.

Trump Jr. spent about three hours with the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday as part of his investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US presidential election. The eldest son of the president has been the subject of several investigations – including special advocate Robert S. Mueller III – for his participation in a June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer promising compromising information on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The Democrats believe that Trump Junior's description of this meeting may have been misleading. Earlier, he had told congressional committees that he had never informed his father about the Russian lawyer's hearing, but this report was disputed in Mueller's report. The special advocate's findings detailed memories of Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who spoke of a phone call in which Trump Jr. had spoken to his father about a meeting to "gather adverse information" on Clinton.

Cohen, who also spoke to several congressional panels investigating Russia's interference in the elections, is currently serving a three-year prison sentence for financial crimes and congressional lies – a fact Trump Jr. noted on Wednesday. defending his previous testimony.

"The reality is that there was nothing to change. If clarification was needed, because Michael Cohen, who do not forget, is serving his sentence for lying to these same investigative bodies, I am happy to do so, "he told reporters as a result of the interview. "I do not think I changed anything I said because there was nothing to change. I'm glad it's finally over, we've been able to clarify something, and I think the committee understands it. "

The Senate Intelligence Committee convened further interviews with several key witnesses to allow senators to speak directly to them. To date, the survey has been conducted primarily by committee staff. The specter of the implications of perjury complicated the planning of Trump Jr.'s testimony, even after the chairman of the committee, Senator Richard Burr (RN.C.), indicated that he was not inclined to file a complaint against Mueller – who had access to the transcripts of the committee. – did not have it.

Trump Jr. has reached an agreement with the panel only last month, after months of quarrels and subpoena, to appear until four o'clock and answer questions on six topics General, including his interactions with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign and what he said his father about them.

In addition to the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, senators were asked about his intention to build a skyscraper in Moscow, and whether his substitutes were encouraged to lie about the length of the campaign.

Senator Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), Vice-Chair of the Committee, declined to comment on Wednesday's meeting.


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