Trump Jr. to appear before Senate Intelligence Committee


Donald Trump Jr. will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee this week.

Trump Jr. is about to testify privately before the commission for about two to four hours regarding the commission's investigation into Russia on Wednesday, according to several media reports. The committee summoned him to appear in April after the closure of Special Advocate Robert Mueller's inquiry into Russia.

The eldest son of President Trump last appeared before the committee in December 2017, but he has additional questions to ask him after the testimony of former president's attorney Michael Cohen in February.

The panel is expected to press Trump Jr. on issues such as the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in June 2016 to try to recover damaging information on 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, CNN reports. They also plan to interview him about a potential Trump Tower Moscow project.

Trump Jr. had previously stated that he had "only a peripheral knowledge" of the project, although Mueller's report states that Cohen said he spoke to Trump Jr. about the project several times. Cohen described their discussions on the project as not just "useless discussions".


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