Trump lawyer withdraws request not to hold impeachment trial on Saturday


A lawyer for the elder President TrumpDonald TrumpDominion Spokesman: Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, ‘Asks to Be Prosecuted’, DC officers who defended Capitol, Sicknick’s family honored in the US Super Bowl will join the Human Rights Council of UN: report READ MORE withdrew its request that the Senate suspend the impeachment trial between Friday evening and Sunday.

David Schoen, one of the president’s attorneys, had sent Senate leaders a request over the weekend asking that the trial be delayed between about 5 p.m. Friday and Sunday in order to keep the Jewish Sabbath.

But Schoen sent the leadership of the Senate and the Senator. Patrick leahyPatrick Joseph Leahy Senate considers swift impeachment trial against Trump Harris throws first decisive votes as Senate Vice President appoints Senate first black secretary MORE (D-Vt.), Who will preside over the trial, a letter on Monday withdrawing his request, citing fears this could delay the impeachment process.

“It meant making you lose Friday night and all day Saturday that you previously intended to have for trial. I appreciated your decision very much, but I remained concerned about the delay in the procedure in a process which I recognize as important to conclude for all the parties concerned and for the country, ”he wrote in the letter. .

“Accordingly, based on the adjustments that have been made to the President’s Defense Team, I am writing to you today to withdraw my request so that the proceedings can proceed as originally planned before I make my asks, ”he wrote.

Schoen added that if he will not be present on Saturday, his role “will be fully covered” by other members of the defense team.

The ruling could add a last-minute change to the impeachment trial schedule, with the Senate due to pass the organizing resolution on the trial setting on Tuesday.

Under an agreement reached by the Senate majority leader Charles SchumerChuck Schumer More than 60 progressive groups urge Schumer to quash filibuster Booker reintroduces bill to give all newborns, 000 Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez and Blumenauer savings accounts aim to force Biden to declare emergency climate PLUS (DN.Y.) and leader of the minority in the Senate Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell Senate Quickly Looks at Trump’s Impeachment Trial Republicans Seek to Slash Democrats as Schools Reopen GOP Blames White House Staff for Lack of COVID-19 PLUS Relief Deal (R-Ky.), The opening arguments for the trial are scheduled to begin on Wednesday.

The Senate was to honor Schoen’s previous request not to hold the Senate trial on Saturday. As a rule, the Senate meets for its impeachment procedure every day except Sunday.

House impeachment officials and Trump’s team will have 16 hours over two days to make their case to the senators, who sit as a jury. That would mean House impeachment officials will present their case on Wednesday and Thursday and Trump’s team on Friday and Sunday.

Under the resolution released earlier on Monday, the Senate would suspend the trial on Friday afternoon and then meet on Sunday afternoon. The Senate leadership could change this again so that the trial meets on Saturday before the organizational resolution is passed.

“No court proceedings will be held on Friday February 12 after 5 p.m. or Saturday February 13, 2021. The Senate will meet in Indictment Court at 2 p.m. on Sunday February 14, 2021,” the resolution says.


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