Trump lawyers claim 40,000 double votes in latest Nevada trial


In a final push to change the results of the 2020 presidential election, the Trump campaign has filed yet another lawsuit telling a Nevada judge it has evidence of voting from deceased people and thousands of “double votes.” “.

President Trump lost Nevada to President-elect Joe Biden by 33,596 votes, which were certified by the State Supreme Court and Governor Steve Sisolak last week, essentially getting all six of the Electoral College’s votes. State.


Trump campaign lawyer Jesse Binnall told Judge James Russell that 1,506 votes received in the general election were from deceased voters, according to local ABC newspaper 8 News Now.

Binnall also alleged that 42,284 voters voted twice, approximately 20,000 voters without a Nevada mailing address, and 2,468 voters changed addresses to another state.

Trump’s legal team said they had focused on Nevada’s election law that allows postal ballots to be sent to every individual without the ballot being requested first – a practice that several states have led amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Just before Thursday’s hearing, the Nevada GOP posted a video on Twitter of 20 file cabinets they said contained evidence to support their claims.

“We have testimonies from several witnesses reporting that the USB drives used in the election showed that the number of votes changed overnight,” the group said on Twitter. early voting and election day. “

Binnall alleged that Clark County lacked proper security and control over their voting machines.

“In the dead of night, votes have appeared and votes have reappeared without an explanation, and there is no good explanation,” Binnall said according to local media.

But Russell pushed back on this, noting that there is no way to tell who voted for whom, and asked how this information changes the outcome of the election.

“In a court, it’s the evidence that counts, not the tweets or the boast on social media, not the hearsay or speculation, it’s evidence and that’s what’s missing from the court record.” said lawyer Kevin Hamilton, representing the Democrats.

Hamilton also pointed out that Democratic and Republican districts across the United States use the same signature verification machine as Clark County, and noted that the county did not report any issues with mass voter fraud during the election. June primary.


“This election was unfortunately stolen,” Binnall said, 8 News Now reported, “We cannot condone evidence like this. We cannot allow an election to be stolen.”

The judge said he would review all the evidence and attempt to reach a decision by Friday.


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