Trump loose to CPAC in the longest speech of his presidency


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By Lauren Egan

WASHINGTON – In the longest speech of his presidency to date, President Donald Trump moved the audience at the conservative conference on political action on Saturday, breaking off from topics ranging from the latest. investigation of Russia in the Democratic presidential field through freedom of expression on university campuses.

Trump, still shocked by a staggering week both at home and abroad, claimed that he was "sarcastic" and "entertained with the public" when, during the 2016 campaign, he urged Russia to hack the emails of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

"I learned with the fake news, if you tell a joke, if you're sarcastic, if you're having fun with the audience, if you're on live TV with millions of people and 25,000 people in one arena, and if you say something like "Russia, please, if you can, get us the emails from Hillary Clinton! please, Russia, s & # Please, please get us the emails! Please! "Trump said mockingly.

Trump was referring to a press conference in July 2016 during which he said, "If you listen, Russia, I hope you can find the 30,000 emails missing. I think you will probably be well rewarded by our press. Let's see if that happens, it will be next. "

According to an indictment by special advocate Robert Mueller, the Russians tried for the first time to hack Clinton's personal servers the same day.

Trump's remarks, which lasted more than two hours, were pronounced just days after he returned from a trip abroad to meet with North Korean leaders, during which he suggested that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not responsible for the death of an American student, Otto. Warmbier.

"I am in such a horrible position because in any way I have to bargain.In the other way, I like Mr and Mrs Warmbier, and I love Otto. "It's a very, very delicate balance." The man and see what happened was so bad, said Trump, seeming to offer an explanation for his previous comments.

But for the most part, Trump focused his attention on national issues and the national political melee.

"Suddenly, they try to take you with bulls …", said Trump, referring to the Mueller probe. "Robert Mueller has never received a vote, nor has the person who named him," Trump continued, attempting to portray Mueller's team as a group of "most anxious Democrats" ".

Trump again denigrated his former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who recused himself from overseeing the Special Council's investigation, a move Trump took for an act of treason.

"And as you know, the Attorney General said," I'm going to recuse myself, "Trump said, mimicking the Southern accent. "And I said, why on earth did not he tell me that before he got him in? How do you recuse yourself?

Saturday marked President CPAC's third speech since his election as President. In the past, Trump has used CPAC to boost its conservative base – and this is no exception.

Trump attacked Democrats as socialists, warned again against a caravan on the southern border filled with "stone-killers" and called the 2020 Democratic candidates "maniacs," accusing their party of supporting "extreme late abortion".

At the mid-point of 2018, Trump foreshadowed problems he hopes to focus on in his re-election campaign. The Green New Deal was in the spotlight Saturday.

"Nothing is more extreme than the plan of the Democrats to completely regain American energy and completely destroy the US economy thanks to their new $ 100 trillion Green New Deal," Trump said. , describing the Democratic plan to fight against climate change by a poor student. "

Trump also attacked candidates in the Democratic presidential election of 2020, lamenting that he should not have called Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., The nickname "Pocahontas" so early in the electoral cycle.

"I should have backed the Pocahontas case for a year because I destroyed her political career and I have no chance to run against her and I would have loved it." Trump told the crowd. "I do not want to eliminate all the good stuff and end up with someone who has talent."

Trump also invited activist Hayden Williams on stage as he announced his intention to sign a decree very soon, demanding that colleges and universities support the freedom of expression they wish. receive federal grants.

Williams, 26, who is not a university student, was reportedly attacked on the UC Berkeley campus while he was trying to recruit students into his group of students. Conservative activists.


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