Trump Mar-a-Lago residence backed by Palm Beach chairman, ‘no action’ taken yet


The president of the Palm Beach, Florida city council said during their meeting on Tuesday that she agreed that former President Donald Trump should be allowed to continue living in Mar-a-Lago in the suite of an owner, and the city manager confirmed to Fox News Wednesday that there is “no further action” the city needs to take at this time.

Palm Beach City Manager Kirk Blouin summarized the city council’s deliberations in an email to Fox News on Wednesday, explaining that attorney John “Skip” Randolph had “conducted a legal review of the statement by use of 1993 and offered legal advice that the agreement does not specifically prohibit former President Trump from residing in Mar-a-Lago. ”


Randolph “also indicated that under the city’s zoning code, private clubs can provide housing to bona fide employees,” Blouin said. “Evidence has been presented to support the fact that former President Trump is a bona fide employee of the Mar-a-Lago Club.”

“The definition of employee in the City Code is as follows:“ Employee refers to any person generally working on site for the establishment and includes sole owners, partners, sponsors, corporate officers and others ”, a Blouin continued.

“The mayor and city council have not objected to Mr. Randolph’s legal findings or to evidence that former President Trump is an employee of the club and therefore the city of Palm Beach has no action to be taken for the moment, ”added the city manager.

Palm Beach City Council spent nearly seven hours on Tuesday examining issues important to South Florida’s wealthy island community: the availability of the coronavirus vaccine, the revitalization of the upscale downtown shopping district, and even the durability of the Belgian tile used on a new walking trail and the danger posed by falling coconuts when the palm trees get too tall.

But the final item on the agenda – discussing Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago – was taking no more than half an hour of council time at the end of the meeting, the Associated reported. Press.

Randolph argued Tuesday that nothing in the club’s 1993 agreement with Palm Beach prohibits Trump from residing there. He and John Marion, an attorney representing Trump and the Mar-a-Lago Club, said the city’s zoning code allows clubs and resorts to provide on-site housing for their employees, and Trump, in as president of Mar-a-Lago, designated him. a “bona fide employee”.

“It’s a debate that I find really silly,” Randolph said.

After listening to their 20 minute presentation, only two board members spoke briefly. One had a clarifying question for Marion, while Council President Margaret Zeidman said she agreed there was no legal reason for the eviction. of Trump’s 17-acre property.

“It appears there is nothing … that would prevent her from living in the owner’s suite,” she said, according to the Orlando Sun-Sentinel.

But the five-member council ultimately took no action on the issue, which was put on the agenda amid complaints from neighbors that Trump’s presence would hurt property values. The council did not hold a vote on the matter.


Speaking to Fox News on the phone Wednesday, a representative from the office of Palm Beach Mayor Gail Coniglio said the full recording of the meeting would be posted on the City of Palm Beach website on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday.

Philip Johnston, an attorney representing a group of residents called Preserve Palm Beach, asked council on Tuesday to be allowed to make a fuller presentation in April – though council members have not given him a response in both case.

Johnson said neighbors at the club feared the Trump residence would turn Mar-a-Lago into “a permanent beacon for its more rabid and lawless supporters,” destroying the city’s “distinguished” character.

The council meeting took place hours before the start of the second impeachment trial in Washington, DC, where Democrats are said to be responsible for inspiring the insurgency on the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6. Trump reportedly watched the proceedings on television in Mar-A -Lago, a club member told WPEC Palm Beach.

In 1993, Trump and the city agreed he could turn the estate into a private club. It would be limited to 500 members – the registration fee is now $ 200,000 and the annual membership fee is $ 14,000. Marion and Randolph argued that since Trump is an employee of Mar-a-Lago, he is not covered by a provision in the agreement that limits members to stays of no more than seven consecutive days and 21 days a year.


Residents previously argued that when he got permission to turn the 126-room mansion into a club 28 years ago, Trump’s attorney Paul Rampell promised the board in a meeting that Trump did not intend to live in Mar-a-Lago. But Marion said that provision was omitted from the final written agreement in exchange for Trump’s pledge to be financially responsible for preserving the property if the club failed.

Johnston warned that while Mar-a-Lago can offer the residence to its employees, nothing prevents Trump from circumventing restrictions on members’ stays by making all of them corporate officers.

“Does the council want Mar-a-Lago to be a multi-family residence?” Johnston asked.

Marion said Trump had served in many roles since resuming his title as club president on January 25 – five days after he left and returned to the property, where he greeted fans with his armored SUV 30 minutes before the expiration of his mandate. Her duties include supervising staff, suggesting improvements, welcoming guests, and recruiting and approving new members, Marion said.

“There is no reason in the world for this body to someday decide that former President Trump should not reside at the club he owns,” Marion said. “He loves it there.”


Marion also warned neighbors protesting against Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago to be careful what they want, arguing that if by “the slightest” chance Trump was kicked out of the club, he would likely move into one of the other nearby homes he owns Palm Beach and the US Secret Service bubble that now resides behind the gates of Mar-a-Lago are said to be on their street.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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