Trump mocks the Democrats with his plan for immigration


Donald Trump

The long-awaited plan of President Donald Trump to reform the immigration system proposes a merit-based system to admit more highly educated and educated immigrants. | Mark Wilson / Getty Images

President Donald Trump predicted on Friday that there was "a good chance" that congressional Democrats are deciding to work with him to pass his recently unveiled immigration plan before the election of the president. 39 next year, despite all that one might think.

"Will the Democrats give our country an indispensable immigration gain before the election?", He writes online. "Good luck!"

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Trump unveiled Thursday its long-awaited plan to redesign the immigration system, which proposes a merit-based system to admit more highly educated and well-educated immigrants, rather than those who enter the system. United States because of family ties or because their home country has a low immigration rate to the United States. It would also include security-enhancing measures at the southern border similar to those it had previously called, but does not contain wording regarding the fate of the so-called Dreamers, which Democrats said was needed to garner their support.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) On Thursday described Trump's plan as "dead on her arrival" prior to publication. This plan received a derisory support, even from the legislators of his party.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday that he was eager to "revisit the President's proposal."

Senator Lindsey Graham (CS), chair of the Judiciary Committee and one of Trump's biggest supporters, said the White House plan was "not designed to become law."

Trump nevertheless seems eager to use the proposal as a campaign issue for his fight for re-election next year, attempting to show that Democrats are reluctant to cooperate to resolve what they have acknowledged to be a humanitarian crisis at the border.

At a rose garden ceremony on Thursday to announce his plan, he suggested that any lack of Democratic support is "probably political".

"If for some reason, possibly political, we can not get the Democrats to approve this merit-based, high-security plan, we will have it approved immediately after the election, when we take the House back, let's keep it. Senate, and of course, hold the presidency, "said Trump. "But would not it be good to do it sooner than that?"

On Friday, he continued, saying in a tweet that "Democrats now realize that there is a national emergency at the border and that if we work together, we can fix it immediately. We need Democratic votes and everything will be fine!

"The Border Patrol apprehends a record number of people on the southern border," he added in a second tweet, stating that "many" of the arrested migrants were "bad men" and that those captured "are detained and will be sent home. "

"Those we publish under the ridiculous Catch & Telease [sic] loophole, are saved and will be deleted later! "he said.

Trump also tweeted a message to people illegally in the country: "All people who enter the United States illegally will now be expelled from our country as we strengthen our withdrawal forces and the laws are changed. Please, do not settle too much at ease, you will leave soon!


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