Trump mocks transgender athletes in CPAC speech


The former president called transgender female athletes “biological males” and complained that women’s sport records were “destroyed” by transgender competitors.

Mr Trump complained that Joe Biden’s policy “would destroy women’s sport” and said his own views on the matter were not “controversial.”

“A lot of new records are broken in women’s sport, I hate to say that ladies, but you have a lot of new records that are broken,” Mr. Trump said in his speech at the CPAC event on Sunday.

And he added, “Young girls and women are irritated that they now have to compete with biological men. It’s not good for women.

“It’s not good for women’s sports, which have worked so long and hard to get to where they were.

“Records that have existed for years and decades are now easily crushed, shattered. If that doesn’t change, women’s sport as we know it will die and stop.

Mr. Trump received a huge round of applause and audible laughter from the CPAC audience during this portion of his speech.

“I think it’s crazy what’s going on, we have to protect the integrity of women’s sport,” he added.

“And I don’t even know, is that controversial?” Someone said “well, this is going to be very controversial” and I said it was okay – you haven’t heard anything yet. “


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