Trump News Live: Latest Updates As President’s Campaign Says Not An Option


Mr Trump, whose campaign said the word ‘concession’ was not part of his vocabulary because he promised to pursue legal challenges in key states, used Twitter to attack his opponents and the drug maker for not to have had the “courage” to break the news before the polls last Tuesday.

Mr. Biden was called an “ambulance hunter” on the social network by Fox News specialist Mark Levin in a tweet shared by the president, who complained that the winner “had nothing to do with the vaccine ”but encouraged the news. It came after Pfizer lambasted Mr. Trump over the White House’s attempt to take credit for the breakthrough without playing any role in its development.


Bill Barr allows Justice Department to investigate ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities

In addition to the rebuke and refusal by the president and his campaign team to do what is decent, US Attorney General William Barr – who met in secret with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday on Capitol Hill – allowed federal prosecutors to investigate any “substantial allegation” of voting irregularities that may have hijacked Trump’s presidential election results.

In a note to US attorneys, Barr wrote that the Department of Justice could conduct investigations “if there are clear and apparently credible allegations of impropriety which, if true, could potentially impact the outcome. of a federal election in a given state ”.

The administration has yet to provide evidence of electoral fraud that is even almost “apparently credible”.

Barr’s decision allows prosecutors to sidestep long-standing policy that would otherwise prevent dramatic action from being taken between election day and official certification of the results.

Justin Vallejo has more details.

Joe sommerladNovember 10, 2020 9:28 AM


Trump says vaccine news withheld to hurt his electoral chances

Donald Trump has accused the Democratic Party and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of conspiring to delay the announcement of Pfizer and BioNTech’s potential coronavirus vaccine until last week’s election, which he lost to Joe Biden, who is now president-elect.

Trump has used Twitter to attack his opponents and the drugmaker for not having the “courage” to break the news ahead of last Tuesday’s poll.

How long can he continue this bad act of losing? In December? Until Biden’s inauguration on January 20? Or will he just carry on for the rest of his natural life with fewer and fewer people listening to him?

If he wanted to surprise us and win the conciliatory pat on the back he so badly needs, he should gladly concede.

Graeme Massie has the last one.

Joe sommerladNovember 10, 2020 9:11 AM


Biden called ‘ambulance hunter’ by embittered Fox News expert

In a further display of petulance and jealousy, Trump retweeted this attack on Joe Biden by Fox-speaking chief Mark Levin, who complained that the election winner “had nothing to do with the vaccine.”

It came after Pfizer blasted the president over the White House trying to take credit for the breakthrough without playing any role in its development.

Joe sommerladNovember 10, 2020 9:15 AM


Trump campaign adviser says ‘conceding’ is ‘not in our vocabulary’

Let’s do a little recap, okay?

Jason Miller was interviewed on Monday by Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo and insisted the administration will not concede the US presidential election to Joe Biden and will persist with lawsuits in states it disputes the outcome.

Miller says the lawsuits are about “the whole future of elections in America,” not just Trump’s hurt ego.

“It’s about electoral integrity,” he said. “If we can’t do it right, why would we ever have confidence in these elections in the future.”

He told Bartiromo he expected to see automatic recounts in Wisconsin as well as Arizona and Georgia and to see court challenges mounted in both Pennsylvania and Michigan.

“We filed a lawsuit in Arizona on Saturday night, and it will go through everything from voting by deceased people to cases where there has been retro-dating of ballots in the mail,” Miller said.

“We will pursue whatever we have in front of us. We’re going to make sure that the American public has full confidence in this election … we’re going through it all, so when the Electoral College meets to certify this election, the American people can have full confidence in its outcome. “

The statement, naturally, aroused derision.

Graeme Massie has this report.

Joe sommerladNovember 10, 2020 8:53 AM


Trump moves forward with threat of legal action

Despite no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, Donald Trump’s Attorney General William Barr allowed federal prosecutors across the United States to prosecute “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities, if they exist.

Mr Barr’s action comes days after Democratic challenger Joe Biden defeated the Republican president and gives hope that Mr Trump will use the Justice Department in an attempt to challenge the outcome.

Mr. Trump did not concede the election and instead claimed, without evidence, that there had been a widespread, multi-state conspiracy by Democrats to skew the vote count in favor of Mr. Biden.

Gino SpocchiaNovember 10, 2020 7:50 AM


Ilhan Omar on the dismissal of the Secretary of Defense

Minnesota Congressman Ilhan Omar praised Monday’s news that Defense Secretary Mark Esper was fired with a shrug, jokingly on Twitter, writing, “They’ll all be replaced soon.”

Gino SpocchiaNovember 10, 2020 7:35 AM


What’s next for Mike Pence?

The vice president spent months on the election track alongside his boss Donald Trump until the wee hours of the morning after election day, and now appears ready to take time off. Here is Namita Singh with details:

Adam withnallNovember 10, 2020 6:12 AM


Republicans expect little Trump money to actually be spent on lawsuits

Graeme massieNovember 10, 2020 3:14 AM


Donald Trump Jr complains about the success of the Pfizer drug

Donald Trump’s eldest son took to Twitter to complain about Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine announcement just days after the election.

Graeme massieNovember 10, 2020 2:36 AM


Disgruntled lawyers file election lawsuits for Trump

Lawyers for Jones Day and Porter Wright are unhappy that their firms are helping Mr. Trump question his electoral defeat, according to the New York Times.

Graeme massieNovember 10, 2020 1:57 AM


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