Trump "not worried" after the arrest of a Chinese woman with 4 phones and malware in Mar-a-Lago


President Trump said on Wednesday that he was not worried about a possible Chinese spying in his beach resort of Mar-a-Lago, after the arrest of a Chinese woman with four mobile phones and a USB key loaded with malware.

"I saw the story," Trump told the press. "I had a brief meeting and they gave me a little bit of information.No, I'm not at all worried.I have – we have very good control."

Trump said that he thought the incident was "just a chance" and congratulated an employee at the reception for his getaway in Palm Beach, Florida, for spotting the suspect, stating that " this particular woman did a very, very good job. "

Yujing Zhang, the suspect, was arrested by the US secret service on Saturday and accused of making a false statement to a federal officer and having entered a property subject to restriction. His arrest was reported for the first time on Wednesday.

"The end result was good," Trump said. "I think we'll probably see where she's coming from, who she is, but the result is that they've managed to find her, and she's now suffering the consequences of everything she's had in her." head."

Zhang reportedly sought to attend a club event announced by Li "Cindy" Yang, owner of a local massage parlor.

Yang posed for a picture with Trump during a party at the Super Bowl in February and is the subject of a federal inquiry into the sale of an access to Trump, reported Wednesday. the Miami Herald.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he did not know Yang.

"I take a lot of pictures with people who look like a selfie or something like that, and I do it often, I do it, sometimes depending on where I am or what I do, hundreds of times a day, "said Trump. .


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