Trump notes the remarkable achievements of American Mexicans in the message of Cinco de Mayo


President TrumpDonald John TrumpPelosi is worried that Trump would have challenged the election if the margin of the House had been too thin. The anticipation is built in a tangible way in the testimony of Mueller Venezuela tests the relationship Trump-Bolton PLUS Cinco de Mayo scored Sunday with a presidential message celebrating the "remarkable achievements of American Mexicans".

"In celebrating the anniversary of this historic victory, we celebrate the courage and patriotism illustrating the fact that Mexican soldiers defeated Napoleon III's invasion army," said the president in a statement. statement to the White House.

"We also recognize the remarkable achievements of Americans of Mexican descent and the many contributions they have made and continue to make to our country," he added. "Melania and I hope that those who celebrate will enjoy the holidays of today, Feliz Cinco de Mayo!"

Trump has tense relations with the Latin American community because of his position on immigration and the comments he made during the 2016 election campaign, calling Mexican immigrants "rapists" and accusing them of "committing a crime" in the United States.

His comments on Sunday echo his earlier statements of Cinco de Mayo in the performance of his duties. Last year, he praised "the important contributions of Americans of Mexican descent to the United States".

As a presidential candidate, Trump celebrated this feast that celebrates the defeat of the French by the Mexican army during the Battle of Puebla in 1862, by posting on Twitter a picture of himself eating a Trump Grill tacos bowl in New York.

"Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best tacos bowls are made in the Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! Tweeted the president in 2016.


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