Trump Objects to Mueller testifying before the Congress


WASHINGTON – President Trump said Sunday that the special council, Robert S. Mueller III, should not testify before Congress, staging a new confrontation with Democrats over presidential authority and the separation of powers.

On Twitter, he argued that the report of Mr. Mueller on the interference of Russia in the 2016 election, which concluded no conspiracy between the Moscow campaign and M Trump, but did not exonerate the president of justice on a possible obstruction of justice, was decisive did not need to hear Mr. Mueller. "Bob Mueller should not testify" he said. "Do not do it again for Dems!"

This puts the president in conflict with the Democrats and with his own Attorney General, William P. Barr.

The Democrats insisted that Mr. Mueller was the best person to provide a detailed interpretation of the 448-page report he gave to Barr last month, and he set May 15 as a date to come. appearing before the Judiciary Committee of the House.

During a controversial hearing on the report before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate last week, Barr asked whether Mr. Mueller, an employee of the Department of Justice, should be allowed to testify.

"I have already stated publicly that I have no objection to his testimony," Barr said.

The president did, however, have one. "Are they looking for a reflection because they hated seeing the strong conclusion of NO COLLUSION?" He wrote. "There was no crime except on the other side (incredibly uncovered by the report), and NO OBSTRUCTION."


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