Trump on energy efficient light bulbs: "I always look orange"


President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden campaign: Castro "cheats the facts": McCabe's lawyer asks a US attorney if the grand jury has decided not to accuse The Hill's 12:30 Report: Views and sounds of Houston debate MORE Thursday reached the efficiency standards of the blisters struck during a Republican House retreat, explaining to attendees that the energy-efficient lamps gave it an "orange" appearance.

In a speech to members of the Republican House reported by NBC News, the president jokingly said that the light bulbs that the Obama administration "forced" Americans to use were "not good".

"People have said 'What's happening with the light bulb?' And I said: 'Here's the story & # 39; , and I looked at it. (…) The light bulb that we are forced to use, number one, for me the most important, the light is not good. J & # I always look orange, "said Trump., Laughing.

"And you too, the light is the worst," added Trump.

His remarks come after the government finalized the reversal of the Obama administration 's efficiency standards regarding light bulbs last week and a few days after it had made similar remarks when it came to the government. a rally in North Carolina.

"I'm not a vain person … But I'm better under an incandescent light than those crazy lights that radiate down," he said at a rally in Fayetteville.

The Trump administration rule will eliminate energy efficiency standards for half of the light bulbs in the market, which critics say will accelerate the effects of climate change by increasing energy use in the United States.

"This rule does not prevent consumers from buying the lamps they want, including effective options," wrote the Ministry of Energy last week. "The market is changing to LEDs, regardless of government regulation. Consumers clearly benefit from the energy savings provided by LEDs. "

Rebecca Beitsch contributed to the report. Updated at 4:29 pm


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