Trump on January 6 insurgency: “They were great people”


The remarks reflected recent efforts by Trump and his supporters to present themselves as the aggrieved parties of the January 6 riot, which left five dead and others injured – and, for a brief period, brought the cogs to a halt. Of Democracy as President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over Trump in the Electoral College has been confirmed by Congress.

Trump’s reference to “great people” was similar to his remarks after the fatal confrontation in Charlottesville. “You had very bad people in that group,” he said in August 2017. “But you also had very good people on both sides. “

In his interview with Bartiromo, Trump said that those present at the events of January 6 loved people who wanted to save the nation.

“The crowd was amazing and I mentioned the word ‘love’, love in the air, I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said of his rally on the Ellipse . “That’s why they went to Washington.”

He added: “Too much spirit, faith and love, there was such love in that rally, you had over a million people,” swelling the size of his rally crowd.

After Trump’s speech, the Capitol was overrun by his supporters seeking to disrupt the Electoral College tally. Along the way, they got into a fight with the police; according to the justice ministry, around 140 police officers were assaulted. Hundreds of those who entered Capitol Hill were charged with various crimes, including more than 50 who were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious injury to an officer.

Both Trump and Bartiromo have expressed outrage over Ashli ​​Babbitt’s fatal shooting on Capitol Hill, repeatedly suggesting that there had been a cover-up at work. Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot dead while trying to climb through a broken window during the insurgency.

“Who is the person who shot an innocent, wonderful, incredible woman, a military woman, right in the head?” Trump said. “There is no repercussion – it was on the other side, it would be the biggest story in this country. Who shot Ashli ​​Babbitt? People want to know and why.

Bartiromo then called Babbitt a “wonderful woman shot on January 6 as she tried to get out of a broken window.” Their remarks echoed those of some of Trump’s supporters, including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona), who claimed Babbitt had been “executed”.

Referring to his remarks to the crowd before storming the Capitol as “a very soft speech,” Trump also suggested that responsibility for any violence that day could lie with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and to other Democrats because they didn’t take the potential for violence seriously.

“They were the ones who were responsible,” he said.

Josh Gerstein contributed to this report.


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